CF care in Spain


New member
My husband and I are considering a year abroad in Spain (possible move) with our three sons. Our youngest has Cystic Fibrosis. We are in the very early stages of researching/planning, so really we are open to all information.

Our biggest question is, where would we find the best care for our son's CF? This would definitely make the biggest difference in where we decide to move.

We do have family in Andalucia, so southern and close to the beach are high on our wishlist....but we are open to anything at this point.

If anyone has any advice, information, suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!



Staff member
There was a family from the Midwest who moved to Spain a few years ago and had a blog -- something picklepits, the mom's name was Kelli. They had two or three kids wcf. Sorry don't have a link or any contact info.


Super Moderator
i found their blog: doesn't appear to have been updated in about 2 years.

I've linked to a couple posts below that seem especially relevant to your questions about Spain specifically. The "Our CF" section talks about two of their kids being genetically confirmed to have 4 mutations but are otherwise completely asymptomatic.

long time forum member gunelle is from Spain and I'm pretty sure she's still around and comments now and then. maybe send her a message with specific questions. hopefully she'll chime in here!

Forum member Tisha is from Spain. her last activity was in January of this year so maybe send her message as well? I've included a link below where she answers a question about her specific experience with CF in various climates in Spain.

Also CF World Wide has info on CF centers outside the US. here is a link to the page for Spainish Federation for Cystic Fibrosis. It is in Spanish. there is a lot of info on their website (link on page linked below). so you may be able to get more info on specific CF centers there.