CF center in Oklahoma City???



We have been having issues with our local doc and are trying to figure out our options.

We are thinking of moving to Omaha, Nebraska if we absolutely need to, but we would be willing to go to OKC if it meant we didn't have to move! I haven't heard anything about the docs in OKC for their treatment of CF. (I have heard from parents of children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and they don't seem to care for that center- but CF is an entirely different disease and it's possible they may treat it well.)


We have been having issues with our local doc and are trying to figure out our options.

We are thinking of moving to Omaha, Nebraska if we absolutely need to, but we would be willing to go to OKC if it meant we didn't have to move! I haven't heard anything about the docs in OKC for their treatment of CF. (I have heard from parents of children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and they don't seem to care for that center- but CF is an entirely different disease and it's possible they may treat it well.)


We have been having issues with our local doc and are trying to figure out our options.
<br />
<br />We are thinking of moving to Omaha, Nebraska if we absolutely need to, but we would be willing to go to OKC if it meant we didn't have to move! I haven't heard anything about the docs in OKC for their treatment of CF. (I have heard from parents of children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and they don't seem to care for that center- but CF is an entirely different disease and it's possible they may treat it well.)


New member
I cant remember if I told you before....We see Dr. Royall....he is out of OKC. His office is down there and he comes to Tulsa on Tuesdays to see patients here....we havent had any problems out of him yet....I have had to suggest things to him but he has always went with what I wanted done. What doctor do you guys see now?


New member
I cant remember if I told you before....We see Dr. Royall....he is out of OKC. His office is down there and he comes to Tulsa on Tuesdays to see patients here....we havent had any problems out of him yet....I have had to suggest things to him but he has always went with what I wanted done. What doctor do you guys see now?


New member
I cant remember if I told you before....We see Dr. Royall....he is out of OKC. His office is down there and he comes to Tulsa on Tuesdays to see patients here....we havent had any problems out of him yet....I have had to suggest things to him but he has always went with what I wanted done. What doctor do you guys see now?


We see Dr. Carey. Love the him as a doctor, but don't love the office staff or the other doc in the practice. So he's willing to take suggestions? Do you think he is open to very proactive treatment or frequent respiratory cultures? My little boy's culturing H. Flu, but nothing else so far, but we've had to try three rounds of antibiotics to kill it and we may have finally eradicated it this time, but I want to know that I'm not going to be shot down on suggestions of abx.


We see Dr. Carey. Love the him as a doctor, but don't love the office staff or the other doc in the practice. So he's willing to take suggestions? Do you think he is open to very proactive treatment or frequent respiratory cultures? My little boy's culturing H. Flu, but nothing else so far, but we've had to try three rounds of antibiotics to kill it and we may have finally eradicated it this time, but I want to know that I'm not going to be shot down on suggestions of abx.


We see Dr. Carey. Love the him as a doctor, but don't love the office staff or the other doc in the practice. So he's willing to take suggestions? Do you think he is open to very proactive treatment or frequent respiratory cultures? My little boy's culturing H. Flu, but nothing else so far, but we've had to try three rounds of antibiotics to kill it and we may have finally eradicated it this time, but I want to know that I'm not going to be shot down on suggestions of abx.


New member
We also see Dr. Royall. We see him when he comes to Tulsa. Having used all of the docs in Tulsa, I can tell you that we are definitely the happiest with Dr. Royall. He is very open to your suggestions, and if he feels that you should go in a different direction, he will thoroughly explain why! He's the only dr. that we've had that experience with, and love it!! He doesn't always treat what is cultured if there are no symptoms, but I don't believe that it's a bad thing. As he puts it, with CF, you pretty much always have some sort of respiratory infection, so if you treat everything, you'll always be on something. Brady loves him and all of his staff! I definitely feel that he listens to me as a mom, and takes what I say into consideration. Good luck whatever you decide!!!



New member
We also see Dr. Royall. We see him when he comes to Tulsa. Having used all of the docs in Tulsa, I can tell you that we are definitely the happiest with Dr. Royall. He is very open to your suggestions, and if he feels that you should go in a different direction, he will thoroughly explain why! He's the only dr. that we've had that experience with, and love it!! He doesn't always treat what is cultured if there are no symptoms, but I don't believe that it's a bad thing. As he puts it, with CF, you pretty much always have some sort of respiratory infection, so if you treat everything, you'll always be on something. Brady loves him and all of his staff! I definitely feel that he listens to me as a mom, and takes what I say into consideration. Good luck whatever you decide!!!



New member
We also see Dr. Royall. We see him when he comes to Tulsa. Having used all of the docs in Tulsa, I can tell you that we are definitely the happiest with Dr. Royall. He is very open to your suggestions, and if he feels that you should go in a different direction, he will thoroughly explain why! He's the only dr. that we've had that experience with, and love it!! He doesn't always treat what is cultured if there are no symptoms, but I don't believe that it's a bad thing. As he puts it, with CF, you pretty much always have some sort of respiratory infection, so if you treat everything, you'll always be on something. Brady loves him and all of his staff! I definitely feel that he listens to me as a mom, and takes what I say into consideration. Good luck whatever you decide!!!
<br />
<br />Missy


New member
I think he is open to proactive treatments. He is definetly open to frequent cultures. We see him every month and they do one each time. When Cameron was 6 months he wanted to start seeing us every 2 months but it was in the middle of winter and I didnt want to wait that long to see him again so he kept us on monthly visits. I dont see why any doctor would have a problem with doing a throat culture. We went to the hospital one night bc Cam was so sick and they said he had pneumonia and wanted to start antibiotics and I asked them to do a culture before we left bc I didnt want him starting the meds and then doing a culture a week later at his reg check up appt. The meds might cover up anything in there that might be growing. He did culture H. Flu then too.


New member
I think he is open to proactive treatments. He is definetly open to frequent cultures. We see him every month and they do one each time. When Cameron was 6 months he wanted to start seeing us every 2 months but it was in the middle of winter and I didnt want to wait that long to see him again so he kept us on monthly visits. I dont see why any doctor would have a problem with doing a throat culture. We went to the hospital one night bc Cam was so sick and they said he had pneumonia and wanted to start antibiotics and I asked them to do a culture before we left bc I didnt want him starting the meds and then doing a culture a week later at his reg check up appt. The meds might cover up anything in there that might be growing. He did culture H. Flu then too.


New member
I think he is open to proactive treatments. He is definetly open to frequent cultures. We see him every month and they do one each time. When Cameron was 6 months he wanted to start seeing us every 2 months but it was in the middle of winter and I didnt want to wait that long to see him again so he kept us on monthly visits. I dont see why any doctor would have a problem with doing a throat culture. We went to the hospital one night bc Cam was so sick and they said he had pneumonia and wanted to start antibiotics and I asked them to do a culture before we left bc I didnt want him starting the meds and then doing a culture a week later at his reg check up appt. The meds might cover up anything in there that might be growing. He did culture H. Flu then too.


Thank you both so much for the info! This makes me feel a lot better. We will definitely be getting an appointment with Dr. Royall. I would be so happy if we could stay here in Oklahoma!


Thank you both so much for the info! This makes me feel a lot better. We will definitely be getting an appointment with Dr. Royall. I would be so happy if we could stay here in Oklahoma!


Thank you both so much for the info! This makes me feel a lot better. We will definitely be getting an appointment with Dr. Royall. I would be so happy if we could stay here in Oklahoma!


New member
We have a meet and great with Dr.Royal at the Tulsa Center at the end of this month. I am so excited and I can't wait to have a doctor that finally listens to me and my concerns as a mother.


New member
We have a meet and great with Dr.Royal at the Tulsa Center at the end of this month. I am so excited and I can't wait to have a doctor that finally listens to me and my concerns as a mother.