CF Clinics OHIO


New member
I was researching some clinics today in Ohio and I feel that
Columbus Children's will be the best as of now.  If anyone can
help me with some info I would appreciate it. I found a Dr. Allen
there.  I am trying to have everything in order before Brandon
gets to my home  Thanks<br>
Also I was also told that Brandon eats hand fulls of salt?.... any
one care to shed some light on this for me  and once again I
am not trying to be ignorant or stupid  just trying to learn


New member
Did you check out the site as far as accreditted CF clinic. Maybe some people here who go to those clinics can shed some light on this.

CFers sweat out more salt, so they need to replace the salt that is lost. We salt DS's food, he loves salty snacks such as pretzels, chips... Some people who are in sports or warmer climates actually use salt pills when they participate in sporting events. We call ds our little salty boy 'cuz when we kiss him our lips taste salty. Liza


New member
Laura, if you look in the adults section there is a thread on salt. Its titled "Salt". Everyone on there has commented on how CF'ers tend to love salt.


New member
Columbus Children's Hospital
Columbus, OH
Appointments: (614) 722-4766
Contact Info: Karen S. McCoy, M.D.

Columbus Children's Hospital -- ADULT PROGRAM
Columbus, OH
Appointments: (614) 722-4766
Contact Info: John S. Heintz, M.D.

This is from


Super Moderator
Hi Momofsix,
I saw that you were wondering about clinics in OH. I'm not sure how close you live to Cincinnati but there is a children's hospital there. I have been going there since I was born and they are improving the hospital so much. I really like it there. They have been remodeling almost every clinic there. So its nice and new! If you have any questions you can message me and I'll see what I can find out for you.

Amber/turning 15 in August,yeah!



New member
My son is seen at Columbus Children's Pulmonary Clinic. He will be 4 in August and has been seen by Dr. Karen McCoy since his diagnosis at the age of 10 months. I love the staff there and they have been wonderful with my son. Nursing staff there is great as well, love Terri Johnson. Dr. Allen is also there, however I tend to always ask to have my son seen by Dr. McCoy as I feel that he needs the consistency of the same doctor each time we go. That's just my preference. But I know other parents who use the other doctors there and are just as happy. Clinics are on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons.

You are more than welcome to e-mail me at if you want some additional information.

Mom to 3 1/2 yr old son w/cf
(guess I should change that as he will be 4 soon!!! Boy time flies.)