CF-er on Queer Eye!


New member
Hey everybody!

I was watching the previews for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, its on tomarrow (tuesday) at 10PM and 2AM. The guy (Gary K. i think his name is) that they give a makeover is 40 years old, and has CF. He was told that he would never see his 16th birthday, and now turning 40. He has also had a double lung transplan! He is a dad, and im assuming lives around the NY City area. So if you want to watch, its on Bravo (channel 57 for me)

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> would love to know what you thought of the episode if you watch it.




New member
WOW!!! That's gonna be awesome!! I love it when I hear about CF or see someone with CF on TV. I feel like maybe it'll become more recognized and I won't always have to explain what it is when people find out I have it. Did anyone see the lady on A Wedding Story? (I think she died, sad), or Frankee on The Real World? (I'm sure a lot of you have)

:: Allyson:: ::17, VA:: ::CFer::


New member
i know i love it when people are on TV with CF, or there is mention of it! it makes me feel really good (odly). I did see Frankie on the Real World...not the greatest role model however :p. I also saw the TLC, a wedding story, i think. Unfortunately it was a husband re-marrying after his wife died of CF. And for all you Law and Order SVU fans... CF is mentioned in 2 different eopisodes. One was on a coupld days ago on the re-run station. It was about how like some men can't have kids...just a little blurb about it. However, there was a whole episode on it once. What happened was, was that they were going to arrest this dad for some wierd thing, but he argued that his wife wouldnt be able to handle taking care of a child with CF all by her self with her elderly parents, partially b/c he's the only on trained to do Chest PT. I thought it was a good portrail...but as TV is most of the time, a little korny. When they go into arrest him, he is teachin the wife all the positions for PT.- Overall pretty good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'll be back with a review of Queer Eye for the Straight guy.

i forgot to mention Bommer Esiason is going to be on this episode too! he has a child with CF. I got to meet his when i was younger b/c i had CF too, and i got his auto-graph. But i was sooo young, i don't even remember it!

haha, Happy watching everybody


I'm sorry that I saw this post too late to be able to see the show; I look forward to seeing reviews of it from you guys. Also, there was an episode of 7th Heaven that had a Cfer on it....I don't remember too much about it because I started watching it half way through and I don't normally watch 7th Heaven. And there is an episode of Touched By an Angel that has a little boy with CF in it, sadly he was really sick in the episode and ended up dieing. I wonder if there's a way to look up shows that have had CF in them, I would imagine there would be a way.


New member

i saw that 7th heaven episode too...they did a good job, but i saw it a long time ago. I was really happy with the Queer eye episode, it will definitly re-run a lot, so you'll prolly get a chance to see it later <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">