CF families in Michigan


New member
Hi just wanted to post that we are adding another location for the walk. It will be at heritage park in Taylor,MI on MAy 6,2007 if anyone is interested and would like to join the new location just email us and we'll keep you posted on whats happening with it. If anyone would like to help us out with this and give us any ideas we would apprecaite it.


New member
I am interested! I participated in the Ward Church (Northville) location last year, which was not so great. I volunteered to help organize a new location for 2007 through the CFF Troy office, but as far as I know, a new location has not been determined. I actually suggested Heritage Park in Taylor as a new location and it did not seem to be a well received idea. Please email me at with details. What chapter of the CFF are you working with?


New member
Hi, I am Jennifer Alayna's(Cf'er) mommy. We also participated in the Ward Church walk last year. I was very disappointed as well. I actually pushed really hard to get the CF walk in Taylor. I am the committee chairperson for the walk at heritage park. Right now, I am searching for volunteers. I have been working with Gretchen at the CF center in Troy. I met with her yesterday and she loved all of our ideas. I would love for you to help us out with this if you are intetrested and bring some people with you. Email me at and I will give you my number and maybe we can discuss somethings and meet. We have a lot of great ideas going right now.
