CF has taken over my life!!!!!



I have alway been going into the hoapital. getting sick and I really dont wont to take my meds bc I wont to be normal please help me understaand


New member
CF has a way of doing that, unfortunately. It's something we all go through, well, everyone I can think of, anyway. I don't really have any advice, cause I'm not sure exactly how i got out of it. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone, and i'm sure something will come along to help you out a lot. =-) At least, something did for me
22 w/cf


HEY Jarod
Thanks for talking to me I have been here al day and no one has talked to me.
Have you gone through what I am rigth now?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">
If so how old are you I m 13


New member

I do not have CF but i do have a 9 year old daughter with CF, she is sometimes sick and hospitalized and has to take her meds too, i really feel bad that you feel that you are not normal, All of us CF or no CF has something different about them. You know sometimes i feel really bad for my daughter and then we will be in the hospital and i will see others that are sicker than she is. Some beautiful child with cancer or some children that will never even leave the hospital that have been hospitalized for a long time. Do you ever talk to your parents or your doctor about CF and about how you feel? This is a good website for others to listen and to try and help, and i am sure alot of people here know exactly how you feel. Just remember that you are someone very special and i really pray that you will continue to do you treatments and take your meds, these are only things that will help you and make you feel better. I will keep you in my prayers.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
I think that every kid wishes to be "normal." Every person has something about them they wish they didn't have because it makes them not normal. Quite frankly I don't believe in a "normal" person any more, no such thing exists, but I do know what you mean. Unfortunatley no matter how much you want to be normal and not take medications and pills, etc, you have to. Although it is a pain to take all the medications and do all the treatments it will help you from getting sick and going to the hospital, and I know you said you were tired of that. So you have to kind of compromise and do one thing so you hopefully wont have to do the other (take pills so hopefully you wont go to the hospital, or at least not as much as you would go if you didn't take your meds).
I was struggling with the fact that I have to do all this stuff to keep me from getting sick and then I think of all the kids out there who have it so much worse than me, whether they are sicker than me, or if they have abusive parents or parents that just don't really care for them, etc. and I realize that I'm not so bad off. But then again there are the times you just want to say well you know what I'm not those people and I don't suffer what they do but I still suffer, and it's true. Eventually I came to realize that this is my life and I can't change it, I just need to do my best to stay healthy and I need to do what needs to be done. Of course I still have those days where I'm just so sick of it all, I think we all do and there isn't really anything we can do about it but just let ourselves stew for awhile and then get back on track.


New member
The big motivator for me to keep doing my meds and such was the death of my cousin who also has CF. She died when she was only 15 after waiting 3 years for a transplant. I saw first hand that I could have it so much worse and that I'm really lucky to be pretty healthy.

We all go through periods of wanting to be normal. But believe me if you stop doing meds and treatments and start feeling aweful (like not being able to walk up stairs and having to drag yourself out of bed every morning) you'll get right back on them. For us doing our meds is the most normal we'll ever get because then at least you still have the energy to do the things you want.


New member
Try to find creative, unobtrusive ways of taking them. Carry a tiny pill box in your pocket. Get your parents to bribe you with an X-Box if you promise you'll do treatments while playing it. That kinda thing. Ultimately, it's for your own good, but that doesn't mean you can't benefit--from taking them--in more obvious ways.

Hospitals suck. I've always found "other people have it worse" a guilt-tripping piece of nonsense, not helpful advice. Are you allowed to have Internet access and TV for hours upon hours on end, perhaps? That's how I stayed sane most of the time.


New member
I sort of agree about "other people have it worse" as an argument for accepting CF/ as a method some people like to cheer me up with. I always feel compelled to say, "But tons more have t better" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
hey i just read the little cry for help and it is really silly you see if you think that taqking your pills and all your other med is so shame then all you are doing is igging your self a early grave and what is normal if you ant to be normal then do what you need to do and an other thing i just got out of hospital today and i feel great.