CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health


New member
Your ideas are important! I am an adolescent medicine doc interested in what you have to say.
If you are interested in completing a research study about teens with CF click on the link below or paste it in your browser.
All responses are 100% anonymous. Thank you!

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

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New member
???? Can you explain that a tad austin? I agree that it is a bit long, but there are MANY teens who don't have a clue about their reproductive health in relation to CF and I think that Doctorlisa made it appropriately long so she can get a feel for what people do and don't know.

What do you mean by unprofessional?

I'm not trying to get on your case or anything, it's just that there were so many of us that found it fabulous and listed why. If you didn't and find it unprofessional as you stated, I'm sure Doctorlisa would like some specific to work with, coming from a teen.

Not that you have to share because it is a very personal thing, but I'd be curious to know how much knowledge you have about your reproductive health because of your CF. Just curious.


New member
Hi Everyone,
Thanks a million to everyone who has shared their opinions so far!
About the length of the survey:
Most people can expect to take ten minutes or less to fill it out- sorry if that's too long- but there is a lot of info in there to help answer the question: Do PWCF get adequate reproductive health info from their health providers? and How can we improve?
I know people have busy lives and I appreciate your time, so if you don't have time to finish and you still think it's important, or change your mind, you can go back in and finish the survey, it should take you to where you left off.
Dr. Lisa


New member
It is a survey geared towards teens. You may be a rather mature teen who is well aware of what semen is. Others may have only heard of it referred to as cum. I can see how both might be appropriate under the circumstances and purpose of her survey.

About the Penis size, do you think your CF has an impact on it's size, do you feel insecure, have you heard rummors about it? I believe this is what doctorlisa is trying to get to the bottom of. If you don't like her survey, by all means, you don't have to take it and you can express MATURELY what you don't like, but there is no need to be rude.


There's a bit of a difference between "what's the meaning of this survery I find 'cum' and 'penis size' to be offensive," and "what the h*ll," if you haven't noticed these forums are profanity free. If Austin has a problem with a survery like this, which I personally don't [wording or otherwise], then he shouldn't fill it out. He might be a very mature guy for his age but that doesn't mean that he is completely 100% "mature." I found his posts to be somewhat rude myself. Tip: Watch the language next time.


Oh I never said you shouldn't post your opinion, that is all free and fine Austin. Just don't be so quick to jump the gun.
Just don't be rude when posting, this is a <b>family</b> forum. Be considerate, of course if you don't feel that this is the place for you, feel free to leave, but nobody but yourself is forcing you to do that.

Abbreviate all you want, many people do it here. Lol, rotflmfao, rotfl, wtf, wth, omg, etc... Just don't be profane or you will get a warning from the moderators because <i>I</i>, that's right, I will report your post to the moderator as being offensive.

So just chill, k?


New member
I'm not trying to infer that you shouldn't be able to post your opinion, everyone on this board should. There is a big difference though, between posting an opinion (of likes or dislikes about something) and personally attacking and degrading the other person (whether it be the initial poster or your response to someone else). You didn't like the survey, ok great. You posted some logical reasons as to why-very reasonable, but then you took it a step further by stating, "How many professional surveys have that word in them?" as well as using some profanity. Since we aren't able to "hear" eachothers tones on the computer, words are ovbiously the only way we can communicate things, along with utilizing capitalization. It appears that you are yelling at someone when you use such strong words and capitalize them. There's a difference between stating, "I've had a hell of a day", and "way the HELL too long", you could have simply stated that you found the word cum quite offensive and suggested another word that she COULD use that most teens would understand.