cf male from england


New member
hi all, just wanted to know if any of you guys from across the pond had the same life experiences as i do and also if you could answer a few questions cf a well known disease by most americans or is it just like over here, where everyone you choose to tell that you have cf has never even heard of it?i know that we brits have a different health service to you guys, but do you have to pay for all your medication or is it all included in your health insurance?how many americans have cf?whats the life expectancy for someone with cf over there?hope to hear from any one soon.thanks :)


New member
Hi, it sounds like it's fairly similar over here. It is not a well known disease at all but we are trying to get the word out. There have been a few articles in different magazines lately about CF. About 30,000 people have CF in the United States and the average life expectancy is 32. As for getting your healthcare and medications, it all depends on what insurance you have. They are all a little different. We are not immediately put on any kind of medical insurance just for being born with CF. For some people it is a very difficult thing to get their medications. How about over there???


New member
there are 7500 people in the uk who have cf and the current life expectancy is 31.medication currently costs about £6 per item on prescription forms.


New member
6lbs, what a deal. If you dont have insurance, you can spend lots. The Vest goes for $16,000, inhaild pulzime is about 12K. per month. It goes on and on. I'm on a state program, so it dosent cost me anything.


New member
I'm in Canada, my provincial goverment pays for all my medications since I was born 23 years ago...if I had to pay for them I'd have no idea how much it would cost. I am very grateful.