CF Male wanting to have child


New member
My fiance and I have been together for 4 years and desperately want a child. I was researching online where we could get a surgical procedure where they can get his "stuff" out and implant it in my eggs. Has anyone known anyone who has done this...or have dont it themselves? I would like to get some information about it.


New member
My wife and I went through that procedure last year and we are now expecting twin girls due in July. First you will be tested to see if you are a carrier of the CF gene. I don't know all of the technical names for everything. The procedure lasts about an hour at most. I was sore for a couple of days after the operation. We then had to go to the fertility office and they had to extract the eggs from my wife. In order to do this she was put on some fertility drugs that required me to give her injections. These were uncomfortable for her but it is well worth it. The first time they implanted two eggs. Well it didn't work. This was quite a disappointment. However, we tried again about two months later, this time they implanted three eggs. Two of those eggs held. It did cost a lot of money since neither of our insurances covered the procedure, but again it will be worth it.

CF 33 years old


New member
2 things,

Mike, I am putting together a website for males with CF wanting to pursue IVF with ICSI and having sperm extracted via the MESA sperm retrieval method (as well as some others, but less successful for men with CF). My husband and I haven't been through the acutal procedure yet, but we have done all the work ups, he is having his testicular mapping done tomorrow and then on the ninth he is having the MESA procedure done. We are scheduled for the egg retrieval and all that other good stuff in October. It would have been February but his Testosterone, FSH and LH plummeted to single digits immediately after he started using colistin-nebulized (nobody can tell me if there is a connection or not but my gut tells me there is). So now that it is back up, we are on schedule about 6 months later. But anyways, back to the website thing...Would you and your wife be willing to share your experiences, how you felt after the procedures, the pregnancy, and anything else. I am leaving my name and personal photos out of the website because that is what my husband and I both want but I am creating a journal with first names only about our experience thusfar. I want to create a "featured articles/stories" page where males who have CF can share their successes. This is such a new thing that there is almost NO information out there about it. If you and your wife decide you are interested, please let me know. The article, story or Journal entries you two create (if you decide to do it) can be complied however you wish and I can just cut and paste onto my website. I hope to have the site up in about a week or so, so if you want to wait and see it first that is fine with me. If you would like to contact me my email address is

Annonymous, the sperm extraction from the male is called Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Extraction, commonly refered to as MESA. There are other methods such as Percutaneous Sperm aspiration and Testicular sperm aspiration but the samples taken from men with Congenital Bilateral Absense of the Vas Defrens shows the MESA procedure has been most successful. They take sperm from the epididymis which is where they believe (again based on studies and lab results) the freshest and healthiest sperm are. Sperm grow in all different stages throughout the Epididymis so they may select a few sites to sample from. Before they do that procedure though, they are going to want to test his testosterone, FSH and LH levels to make sure that they are normal.

Mike is right, you also need to be tested as a carrier because your signifigant other has CF. Then you will need In-vetro (IVF) with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). ICSI is where they take 1 sperm and 1 egg and inject the 1 sperm into the nuclei of the egg. With traditional IVF you need about 50,000 sperm to try and fertilize a few eggs, which would work for a man with normal ejactulation if the female had reproductive problems but that wouldn't be ideal or successful for a man with CF. So they fertilize the eggs which then become embryos and then at stage 8 (whatever that means, I don't know but it's about 2-3 days) they will take 2-3 eggs and implant them into you-that is the IVF procedure. IF you have any more questions please feel free to email me as well at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
My husband and I have been going through these procedures since 1999. My husband has absnce of vas deferens . The urologist did a sweat test which returned negative but they did blood work anyway. The bloodword revealed two mutations delta f508 and R117H. Although the urologist suggested genetic counseling, we were told Jim was a carrier and our CF threat was no higher that anyone else.
Upon receiving the report from the urologist, my fertility center proceded with our cycle. the procedure for Invitro With ICSI is case specific. As julie stated earlier allot of thing are the same however, some are diffferent.
I was given Lupron injections daily and then I was given the stimulation drug Follistem. there are several drugs that are used I guess it depends on the facility you go to. 72 hours prior to your wife's retrieval you will give her an HCG injection which releases the eggs.
the day of the retrieval, the male goes in early approximatly 2-4 hours early for his aspiration. The procedure Jim had was an epididimal testicular sperm aspiration. We used 2 differend urologist through the years and the 2nd who removed tissue as well was much more successful ( he retrieved a higher spem count, with better quality).
The eggs are then retrieved and the embryologist does his miracles. Several days later depending on the embryo quality the embryos are tranfered int o the uterus. Because of poor embryo quality our embryos are frozen some as low as stage 4, however they always transfer the best qualty as fresh. (i'm looking to change this in my case).
My husband has had 4 aspirations with only the ability to freeze sperm after this last urologist I was mentioning. We have had 4 invitro cycles and 2 frozen transfers. I became pregnant on both frozen cycles and no fresh. And we currently have 8 frozen embryos for further transfer and 2 vials of sprem for future invitro cycles.
As a note: We were required to purchase back-up donor sperm in case the aspiration proved unsuccessful. This sperm is usually destroyed by the facility if not used. Their reasoning was that I would have undergone all the treatments and procedures only to end up busted. Apparently their is never a guarantee of sperm even if they have been successful in the past.
The procedure Jim underwent became more painful each time as they were going through scar tissue, but the last procedure was apparently not as painful. Jim was given only a 5MG valum to deal with this too. I'm sure he would be happy toi answer any questions you may have or I woyuld be happy to respond to questions by your wife about the invitro.
Best wish and good luck. Miracle do happen, I have 2.
