CF & Migrains


New member
I have migraines but I dont think that mine are accosiated with the meds. Sometimes mine can be trigger when my sinuses are really horrible and needing cleaning out. Really tightly packed so it creates pressure that brings on the migraines. Most of the time though lucky me they are just inherieted so they come and go when they please. I have gotten to the point I had to get a migraine script. Talk to your doctor about your migrianes he should be able to determine if you need a script for them. There are no quick treatments, even with meds the meds will make you tired and weak feeling, actually the combination of the meds and mirgaine will do that. Only advice about treatments is get and ice pack, make it really dark in a really quiet room. Also putting your head, with the ice pack between pillows, kinda of adding some pressure I have noticed helps some. If it gets so bad, your constantly throwing up and cant keep down any meds to treat it, can barely walk go to the ER and get a shot. I know the ERs are slow and will seem like they take forever to get to you but if its bad enough you will go. I say again there is no quick cure for a migraine unfortunatly. If there is please some one tell me too.


New member
I have migraines but I dont think that mine are accosiated with the meds. Sometimes mine can be trigger when my sinuses are really horrible and needing cleaning out. Really tightly packed so it creates pressure that brings on the migraines. Most of the time though lucky me they are just inherieted so they come and go when they please. I have gotten to the point I had to get a migraine script. Talk to your doctor about your migrianes he should be able to determine if you need a script for them. There are no quick treatments, even with meds the meds will make you tired and weak feeling, actually the combination of the meds and mirgaine will do that. Only advice about treatments is get and ice pack, make it really dark in a really quiet room. Also putting your head, with the ice pack between pillows, kinda of adding some pressure I have noticed helps some. If it gets so bad, your constantly throwing up and cant keep down any meds to treat it, can barely walk go to the ER and get a shot. I know the ERs are slow and will seem like they take forever to get to you but if its bad enough you will go. I say again there is no quick cure for a migraine unfortunatly. If there is please some one tell me too.


New member
I get migraines, but havent been able to put a connection to the cause with them yet. Sound & light are my biggest problems when I have them. Everything seems like it is intensified & my head will explode. I have never gotten a prescription for them. Probably because they dont last long enough. My very first migrain was right after I found out I was pregnant. That was REALLY bad since I couldnt lift my head off the pillow without throwing up. Nothing that bad since. More or less makes me IRRITABLE!!!!!!


New member
I get migraines, but havent been able to put a connection to the cause with them yet. Sound & light are my biggest problems when I have them. Everything seems like it is intensified & my head will explode. I have never gotten a prescription for them. Probably because they dont last long enough. My very first migrain was right after I found out I was pregnant. That was REALLY bad since I couldnt lift my head off the pillow without throwing up. Nothing that bad since. More or less makes me IRRITABLE!!!!!!


New member
I suffer the occasional migraine. I have an Rx for Midrin, but don't think it helps much. My nasea can get pretty bad, and for that, I have phenergan on hand. I also have to go into a dark, quiet room and just sleep... the phenergan helps me zonk out.

I don't think mine is med. related. They just seem to come and go too. No ryhme or reason. I can be just fine one moment watching TV and BAM! there's a migraine. Or, it can be triggered by sitting on the computer too long. Anything, really.

The biggest thing, I think, is to catch a migraine when its starting (learn the "signs"... blurred/wierd vision, naseau, sensitivity to light and sound, etc....) and take something OTC for a headache and maybe an RX (or something OTC) for naseau right away, before it can get too bad. Then, REST.



New member
I suffer the occasional migraine. I have an Rx for Midrin, but don't think it helps much. My nasea can get pretty bad, and for that, I have phenergan on hand. I also have to go into a dark, quiet room and just sleep... the phenergan helps me zonk out.

I don't think mine is med. related. They just seem to come and go too. No ryhme or reason. I can be just fine one moment watching TV and BAM! there's a migraine. Or, it can be triggered by sitting on the computer too long. Anything, really.

The biggest thing, I think, is to catch a migraine when its starting (learn the "signs"... blurred/wierd vision, naseau, sensitivity to light and sound, etc....) and take something OTC for a headache and maybe an RX (or something OTC) for naseau right away, before it can get too bad. Then, REST.



New member
Our daughter is 5 yrs old and gets frequent headaches, but I don't know if they are migraines or not. I am taking her to her pediatrican today because of it. I often wonder if there may be a relation to her CF, and will check with the clinic on Monday. Any input on this would be interesting to me.


New member
Our daughter is 5 yrs old and gets frequent headaches, but I don't know if they are migraines or not. I am taking her to her pediatrican today because of it. I often wonder if there may be a relation to her CF, and will check with the clinic on Monday. Any input on this would be interesting to me.


New member
Sorry for not loggin on's love my girl. I came back from the Dr and he suggested that she take vitamin B2 and believes that it is migraines. Maybe you can try that as well. Good luck.


New member
Sorry for not loggin on's love my girl. I came back from the Dr and he suggested that she take vitamin B2 and believes that it is migraines. Maybe you can try that as well. Good luck.