CF Parent's Night Out


New member
I read (on facebook, I think) about a CFF sponsored Parents Night Out. I'd love to get something like that going in my area.

Would any of you who have them in your areas please share general info with me?

Location (restaurant, meeting room?)
Pay for your own/sponsored?
How are invites handled?
Any structure or just plain fun?

I want to put a plan together and do some preliminary research before I get in too deep!!!


New member
I read (on facebook, I think) about a CFF sponsored Parents Night Out. I'd love to get something like that going in my area.

Would any of you who have them in your areas please share general info with me?

Location (restaurant, meeting room?)
Pay for your own/sponsored?
How are invites handled?
Any structure or just plain fun?

I want to put a plan together and do some preliminary research before I get in too deep!!!


New member
I read (on facebook, I think) about a CFF sponsored Parents Night Out. I'd love to get something like that going in my area.
<br />
<br />Would any of you who have them in your areas please share general info with me?
<br />
<br />Location (restaurant, meeting room?)
<br />Pay for your own/sponsored?
<br />How are invites handled?
<br />Any structure or just plain fun?
<br />
<br />I want to put a plan together and do some preliminary research before I get in too deep!!!


I'm on the CF Family Council and we do three a year.

<b>Location (restaurant, meeting room?) </b>-- usually a restaurant or a country club meeting room. Our social worker has a lot of local connections for free or reasonable places to meet.
<b>Pay for your own/sponsored</b>? -- sponsored. We get the pharmaceutical and other reps to cover it, in exchange for a chance to set up their booths and hand out information.
<b>How are invites handled</b>? -- awhile back we had the CF center add a request for e-mail addy's on the homegoing form, so we have a good list of family e-mails started and we send home a flier to all CF families as well.
<b>Any structure or just plain fun</b>? -- we try and center it around a speaker or have some purpose. For example in August we are hoping to have Julie come in and talk about taxes and SSD paperwork, etc. In the past we have had a comedian who focuses on parenting. It wasn't a "cf" focus, but it was helpful to all of us. We had an insurance night where we brought in someone from the state office of insurance to talk about ways to deal with insurance problems. The speakers usually only talk for 20-30 minutes and then we have social time while we eat etc. Its always well attended and well liked!!


I'm on the CF Family Council and we do three a year.

<b>Location (restaurant, meeting room?) </b>-- usually a restaurant or a country club meeting room. Our social worker has a lot of local connections for free or reasonable places to meet.
<b>Pay for your own/sponsored</b>? -- sponsored. We get the pharmaceutical and other reps to cover it, in exchange for a chance to set up their booths and hand out information.
<b>How are invites handled</b>? -- awhile back we had the CF center add a request for e-mail addy's on the homegoing form, so we have a good list of family e-mails started and we send home a flier to all CF families as well.
<b>Any structure or just plain fun</b>? -- we try and center it around a speaker or have some purpose. For example in August we are hoping to have Julie come in and talk about taxes and SSD paperwork, etc. In the past we have had a comedian who focuses on parenting. It wasn't a "cf" focus, but it was helpful to all of us. We had an insurance night where we brought in someone from the state office of insurance to talk about ways to deal with insurance problems. The speakers usually only talk for 20-30 minutes and then we have social time while we eat etc. Its always well attended and well liked!!


I'm on the CF Family Council and we do three a year.
<br />
<br /><b>Location (restaurant, meeting room?) </b>-- usually a restaurant or a country club meeting room. Our social worker has a lot of local connections for free or reasonable places to meet.
<br /><b>Pay for your own/sponsored</b>? -- sponsored. We get the pharmaceutical and other reps to cover it, in exchange for a chance to set up their booths and hand out information.
<br /><b>How are invites handled</b>? -- awhile back we had the CF center add a request for e-mail addy's on the homegoing form, so we have a good list of family e-mails started and we send home a flier to all CF families as well.
<br /><b>Any structure or just plain fun</b>? -- we try and center it around a speaker or have some purpose. For example in August we are hoping to have Julie come in and talk about taxes and SSD paperwork, etc. In the past we have had a comedian who focuses on parenting. It wasn't a "cf" focus, but it was helpful to all of us. We had an insurance night where we brought in someone from the state office of insurance to talk about ways to deal with insurance problems. The speakers usually only talk for 20-30 minutes and then we have social time while we eat etc. Its always well attended and well liked!!
<br />


New member
We have a Parent Advisory Board through our CF clinic. They meet monthly. I used to be more involved, but have stepped back since Andy was working evenings and it was hard to get there. They do an annual conference once a year and have just started "talks around the fireplace" which is a support group type. I believe they are trying to center it around certain topics. I have told them that I would present love and logic parenting at one point since I teach it for work and at the annual conference people seemed to have a lot of parenting questions. I believe it is all funded. The annual conference is just like Heather said where all the drug reps are present.


New member
We have a Parent Advisory Board through our CF clinic. They meet monthly. I used to be more involved, but have stepped back since Andy was working evenings and it was hard to get there. They do an annual conference once a year and have just started "talks around the fireplace" which is a support group type. I believe they are trying to center it around certain topics. I have told them that I would present love and logic parenting at one point since I teach it for work and at the annual conference people seemed to have a lot of parenting questions. I believe it is all funded. The annual conference is just like Heather said where all the drug reps are present.


New member
We have a Parent Advisory Board through our CF clinic. They meet monthly. I used to be more involved, but have stepped back since Andy was working evenings and it was hard to get there. They do an annual conference once a year and have just started "talks around the fireplace" which is a support group type. I believe they are trying to center it around certain topics. I have told them that I would present love and logic parenting at one point since I teach it for work and at the annual conference people seemed to have a lot of parenting questions. I believe it is all funded. The annual conference is just like Heather said where all the drug reps are present.


New member
Oh, and our CF clinic has a mailing list. They do not put anything on the envelope that would break confidentiality rules. They also send out a newsletter a few times a year.


New member
Oh, and our CF clinic has a mailing list. They do not put anything on the envelope that would break confidentiality rules. They also send out a newsletter a few times a year.


New member
Oh, and our CF clinic has a mailing list. They do not put anything on the envelope that would break confidentiality rules. They also send out a newsletter a few times a year.


New member
I have been trying to get our parents to go out for the longest time it seems. We have an every other month meeting at our clinic on a Wednesday evening but the attendance is very low. Our social worker has special guests and speakers related to programs, social situations, school, etc and they also provide dinner. It's very nice and I love getting together with other parents, I just wish that more parents would come. I think they think we just sit around and cry at every meeting! If you have any luck organizing a parents night out, let me know~


New member
I have been trying to get our parents to go out for the longest time it seems. We have an every other month meeting at our clinic on a Wednesday evening but the attendance is very low. Our social worker has special guests and speakers related to programs, social situations, school, etc and they also provide dinner. It's very nice and I love getting together with other parents, I just wish that more parents would come. I think they think we just sit around and cry at every meeting! If you have any luck organizing a parents night out, let me know~


New member
I have been trying to get our parents to go out for the longest time it seems. We have an every other month meeting at our clinic on a Wednesday evening but the attendance is very low. Our social worker has special guests and speakers related to programs, social situations, school, etc and they also provide dinner. It's very nice and I love getting together with other parents, I just wish that more parents would come. I think they think we just sit around and cry at every meeting! If you have any luck organizing a parents night out, let me know~