CF poem


New member
This is a poem i wrote in 8th grade, I'm now in 10th grade.It was a reading response in English class to The Spirit Of Lo.
I kind of wrote it in the view of the parents kind of, but some of it is my view too.Its not a very postive poem, but don't let it fool you, I'm a very positive person. Oh and I do have CF. I am kind of nervous about putting this poem up(even though I am a very outgoing person) because I usually don't let people read my poems except my enlgish teachers. So let me know what you think.
<u>CF, a poem</u>
The cool name for it
since when did having CF become cool.
65 Roses,
The pretty name for it
such a pretty name for such an ugly disease
Cystic Fibrosis,
The real name
The name that tells you something's wrong.
A lung disease.
help digest food.
breaks up the mucus.
is all we do.
keep you healthy
Average age is 36.5 years.
Only 36.5 years to live.
What a short life.
CF has many things.
Very skinny,
That's what most people with CF are.
We can't help it.
Liver damage,
Happens over time from medicine.
So many things
So little time.
Why would this happen to someone.
Cf, 65 Roses, Cystic Fibrosis.
Whatever you call it,,
it is still a awful disease.


New member
This is a poem i wrote in 8th grade, I'm now in 10th grade.It was a reading response in English class to The Spirit Of Lo.
I kind of wrote it in the view of the parents kind of, but some of it is my view too.Its not a very postive poem, but don't let it fool you, I'm a very positive person. Oh and I do have CF. I am kind of nervous about putting this poem up(even though I am a very outgoing person) because I usually don't let people read my poems except my enlgish teachers. So let me know what you think.
<u>CF, a poem</u>
The cool name for it
since when did having CF become cool.
65 Roses,
The pretty name for it
such a pretty name for such an ugly disease
Cystic Fibrosis,
The real name
The name that tells you something's wrong.
A lung disease.
help digest food.
breaks up the mucus.
is all we do.
keep you healthy
Average age is 36.5 years.
Only 36.5 years to live.
What a short life.
CF has many things.
Very skinny,
That's what most people with CF are.
We can't help it.
Liver damage,
Happens over time from medicine.
So many things
So little time.
Why would this happen to someone.
Cf, 65 Roses, Cystic Fibrosis.
Whatever you call it,,
it is still a awful disease.


New member
This is a poem i wrote in 8th grade, I'm now in 10th grade.It was a reading response in English class to The Spirit Of Lo.
I kind of wrote it in the view of the parents kind of, but some of it is my view too.Its not a very postive poem, but don't let it fool you, I'm a very positive person. Oh and I do have CF. I am kind of nervous about putting this poem up(even though I am a very outgoing person) because I usually don't let people read my poems except my enlgish teachers. So let me know what you think.
<u>CF, a poem</u>
The cool name for it
since when did having CF become cool.
65 Roses,
The pretty name for it
such a pretty name for such an ugly disease
Cystic Fibrosis,
The real name
The name that tells you something's wrong.
A lung disease.
help digest food.
breaks up the mucus.
is all we do.
keep you healthy
Average age is 36.5 years.
Only 36.5 years to live.
What a short life.
CF has many things.
Very skinny,
That's what most people with CF are.
We can't help it.
Liver damage,
Happens over time from medicine.
So many things
So little time.
Why would this happen to someone.
Cf, 65 Roses, Cystic Fibrosis.
Whatever you call it,,
it is still a awful disease.


New member
This is a poem i wrote in 8th grade, I'm now in 10th grade.It was a reading response in English class to The Spirit Of Lo.
I kind of wrote it in the view of the parents kind of, but some of it is my view too.Its not a very postive poem, but don't let it fool you, I'm a very positive person. Oh and I do have CF. I am kind of nervous about putting this poem up(even though I am a very outgoing person) because I usually don't let people read my poems except my enlgish teachers. So let me know what you think.
<u>CF, a poem</u>
The cool name for it
since when did having CF become cool.
65 Roses,
The pretty name for it
such a pretty name for such an ugly disease
Cystic Fibrosis,
The real name
The name that tells you something's wrong.
A lung disease.
help digest food.
breaks up the mucus.
is all we do.
keep you healthy
Average age is 36.5 years.
Only 36.5 years to live.
What a short life.
CF has many things.
Very skinny,
That's what most people with CF are.
We can't help it.
Liver damage,
Happens over time from medicine.
So many things
So little time.
Why would this happen to someone.
Cf, 65 Roses, Cystic Fibrosis.
Whatever you call it,,
it is still a awful disease.


New member
This is a poem i wrote in 8th grade, I'm now in 10th grade.It was a reading response in English class to The Spirit Of Lo.
<br />I kind of wrote it in the view of the parents kind of, but some of it is my view too.Its not a very postive poem, but don't let it fool you, I'm a very positive person. Oh and I do have CF. I am kind of nervous about putting this poem up(even though I am a very outgoing person) because I usually don't let people read my poems except my enlgish teachers. So let me know what you think.
<br /><u>CF, a poem</u>
<br />CF,
<br />The cool name for it
<br />since when did having CF become cool.
<br />65 Roses,
<br />The pretty name for it
<br />such a pretty name for such an ugly disease
<br />Cystic Fibrosis,
<br />The real name
<br />The name that tells you something's wrong.
<br />A lung disease.
<br />Enzymes,
<br />help digest food.
<br />Pulmozyne,
<br />breaks up the mucus.
<br />cough,cough,cough
<br />is all we do.
<br />Hospitalizations
<br />keep you healthy
<br />Average age is 36.5 years.
<br />Only 36.5 years to live.
<br />What a short life.
<br />CF has many things.
<br />Very skinny,
<br />That's what most people with CF are.
<br />We can't help it.
<br />Liver damage,
<br />Happens over time from medicine.
<br />So many things
<br />So little time.
<br />Why?
<br />Why would this happen to someone.
<br />Cf, 65 Roses, Cystic Fibrosis.
<br />Whatever you call it,,
<br />it is still a awful disease.
<br />


New member
owCF poem

WOW. That really tells about cf the way that most of the people with it think about it. Thanks for sharing it. I really like it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
owCF poem

WOW. That really tells about cf the way that most of the people with it think about it. Thanks for sharing it. I really like it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
owCF poem

WOW. That really tells about cf the way that most of the people with it think about it. Thanks for sharing it. I really like it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
owCF poem

WOW. That really tells about cf the way that most of the people with it think about it. Thanks for sharing it. I really like it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
owCF poem

WOW. That really tells about cf the way that most of the people with it think about it. Thanks for sharing it. I really like it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />