CF Project


New member
I am doing a paper on CF for bio and I was wondering if you could help me. I would greatly appreciate it!

My questions are:
1. What is the current research on CF?
2. Are there any recent developments in the search for a cure or advancement to live a better life with CF?

Thanks for your help!



New member
To learn about the latest research, check out the CF foundation website
I sugest you read as many of these posts as you can and that will give you an idea of what it's like to live with CF, and maybe help you develop a focus for your paper.
23 w/ CF


New member
You may also want to look at the fact more and more CFers are going for lung transplant a 'treatment' option, so to speak. I feel as if I've been hearing of more and more post TX CFers on here


New member
There are also a lot of research topics regarding genes and other possible treatment options. Try doing a few google searches