CF Related Liver Problems

I had a catscan done a couple of weeks ago on my lungs, and in the catscan you can see part of my liver; it was somewhat enlarged. Today I had a catscan done on my liver, as well as a few other things, I think the gallbladder, intestines, stomach, that area along with the liver. I was wondering if anyone has had any CF related issues with their livers and what they were. My mom and I really have no idea what type of liver problems are associated with CF.


New member
Hi. My son is 2 years old and through his blood tests last Fall, they discovered that his liver levels were elevated. So they did an ultra sound on his liver and it was slightly enlarged so they put him on Ursidol or Actigol. His liver is blocked somewhat like the Pancreas so this medication acts like what the body creates naturally, it just helps where the blockage gets in the way. I was told that this is part of CF and it isn't as scarey as it sounds. Our Drs told us that he will be on the Actigol pretty much always. It did help to take his liver levels down.

Some people have told me to try milk thistle I believe it was, however I'm not into alternative treatments right now and would consult with your Dr before you try anything like that.

Hope that helps.
Thank you very much for posting this information. At least now I know something that could possibly be wrong, and that there is a way to treat it.