CF summer camp in Michigan.


New member
Hi....i was wondering if anyone on here was at CF camp?? i think it was called onki benek?? it was in battle creek i think?? and the last year was in 1997??


I attended it for a couple of years until it closed from MRSA infections spreading throughout the campers... or atleast that was what I heard. Heh, I just went through my junk drawer today and found a list of campers that they sent me years ago. You can find more info at Yes it was called Onkoi Benek although I'm not sure if Battle Creek was the EXACT location I'm pretty sure it was around there anyway. After going on the boards on I notice that you've already posted... well, anyway I went there for a couple of years... heh.


New member
Hi ImmortalGoddezz......I was there in 88,89,and the last year of 97??. I was trying to get that list of campers and staff members, i have lost mine over the years. I called the mpdci and she told me they did'nt have those lists anymore but if i had some names of the ones i wanted to get ahold of she could post it in the news letter. it would be nice to maybee talk with a few campers from back then. I have a few pics from camp!!! and it just brings back good memories and how much fun we all had!! But..another part of me feels like maybee i should'nt in case some of the campers,staff members are no longer with us. thats the part i fear the most!!


I understand what you feel. Honestly after I moved to Texas I lost touch with everybody, and that's been such a long time ago. Everything is a little fuzzy memory wise because of time and life. But if you are interested in the Lists... I have the MPDCI Retreaters List 1998-99 (I'm assuming that's when they republished it because I don't think they had a camp going at the time.) I also have the MPDCI Member List 1998-99 also. If you want either of these I'm sure I could scan it into my computer. Let me know.


New member
Thank you....that would be great to see both of the lists. so you moved down to texas?? how that going for you? do you have AOL,AIM,or Yahoo messenger?? maybee we could chat some time.


Yup, I moved down to Texas when I was 11. It's been great down here. I found some wonderful doctors and some superb hospitals. I do have AIM, my sn is immortalgoddezz. I'll have to scan copies of the list in tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know when I've got them ready for you.-Candice


New member
Jim I was there!! I'm 22 now and went I think right around when you did. My name is Emily. Who were your counselors?? Mine were Eeddie and Dorine. SHoot..send me some pics via email if you can. I've got some pics too. Do you remember the talent night?? 2 guys sang and danced "Baby Got Back"....does any of this ring a bell??Email


New member
Hi Emily.....I think my counslers name was Scott?? he was a younger guy.....real funny too. I am trying to remember that talent show thing.... Im not sure I remember that part but....I remember a guy named Jessi doing a Jimi Hendrix thing. Camp was alot of fun those summers!!! I will have to dig out my old pics and e-mail them to ya!!! I think we may have talked before?? do you have AOL,AIM or yahoo messenger?where are you from?? I just recentley switched to an Adult Care center down in Ann Arbour at U of M. Tom Sission is my new Doc. talk to ya later~Jim


New member
Jim I remember that Jessi guy I think. What clinic did you switch from and how do you like U of M?? I'm still at Children's, I live in Detroit. I don't really want to go to Harper so I may consider U of M...don't know yet. Yeah send me pics if you can do that...I'll see what I can find too.I have aol instant messenger but don't use it so much.Email me,Emily22pwcf from D-troit


New member
Hi Emily...I used to go to MSU clinic in lansing. I just switched to U of M this past seemed to be real good! the team of doc's were very nice and laid back and willing to talk and listen to me.