I'm guessing thats to say that you don't have CF? Either way, a few tips:1) Maybe its just me, but I rarely have big, deep, life discussions with my friends about CF. We talk more about day to day stuff (obnoxious hospital roommates, dumb nurses etc).2) I can do almost anything my friends can. Just because I have CF doesn't mean I'm knocking on death's door and toeing a precarious line my whole life (see Lurlene McDaniel novels to see what I mean).3) I do, however, do treatments that can be a pain every morning and every night, more often if I'm sick. But, the people who live with me don't dwell on it, or even think twice about it- neither would roommates at school. 4) I'm small for age, have clubbed (rounded, bulbous) finger and toe nails, sometimes ugly side effects from medicines, and a slight barrel chest (rounded chest). Not exactly the hugest self confidence boosters in terms of appearance, and I'm sure being small would be much worse if I were a guy.Just some pointers, I don't even know if you wanted information like this, just throwing out ideas. Good luck