Last summer, I noticed that DS pretty much had a red spotted rash on the back of his neck all summer long. I figured it was a heat rash of some sort, maybe his shirt tag rubbing up against it or his hair was getting kinda long... Nothing major, just some red dots.
Last night I noticed it again on the back of his neck and on his back along his waistline. This morning I got a call from the preschool director wondering if we could have him tested for strep 'cuz of the rash on his neck and he had spots on his armpits. Turns out his teacher got a rash last week, then was out on Monday with a sore throat and had gotten strep. I figured DS is practically glowing with his meds and it probably wasn't strep 'cuz he's had this rash before.. Anyway, better safe than sorry.
Just went to the regular clinc and the doctor asked if he wore a metal necklace. Looked like some sort of metal allergy or wondered if he wore a turtle neck yesterday. Prescribed some hydrocortisone ointment. Checked the laundry basket and the shirt he wore yesterday seemed to have some really stiff stitching right at the neckline.
So basically it's some sort of dermatitis, probably caused his clothes rubbing. Just wondering if because CFers seem to sweat out more salt if that could be causing the rash...
Last night I noticed it again on the back of his neck and on his back along his waistline. This morning I got a call from the preschool director wondering if we could have him tested for strep 'cuz of the rash on his neck and he had spots on his armpits. Turns out his teacher got a rash last week, then was out on Monday with a sore throat and had gotten strep. I figured DS is practically glowing with his meds and it probably wasn't strep 'cuz he's had this rash before.. Anyway, better safe than sorry.
Just went to the regular clinc and the doctor asked if he wore a metal necklace. Looked like some sort of metal allergy or wondered if he wore a turtle neck yesterday. Prescribed some hydrocortisone ointment. Checked the laundry basket and the shirt he wore yesterday seemed to have some really stiff stitching right at the neckline.
So basically it's some sort of dermatitis, probably caused his clothes rubbing. Just wondering if because CFers seem to sweat out more salt if that could be causing the rash...