CFer's at Great Strides events


New member
Depends -- at ours there aren't that many CFers there -- last year there were two toddlers who both stayed in their strollers and two adults. That was it. The rest of the teams walked in memory of cfers who died or cfers who lived out of state. Oh and the local cf clinic had a team.

The food that was provided was individually wrapped, although the year before we had pizza and donuts.

Everyone was outside and pretty much stayed with their own groups.



New member
I bring my kids. They just stay in the wagon/stroller. The first year I was nervous. Once I brought Sophia, I realized she is never around any other groups. Plus we are all outside. I am MUCH more concerned about the routine cf doctors visit and what they might catch there.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
our team is Team Butterbean, and we do have t-shirts made. My wife is thinking about making the following shirt for my daughter (if we take her)

I'm 'lil Butterbean
Just tring to keep my lungs clean
So if you share my desease
Stay away from me please

I kind of like it, but then, does it come across as being rude???

Stupid question I know, but this site seems to be one you can post stuff on.


New member
Some bugs can live on surfaces for long periods of time.

In any event, no matter where I go --- the store (nasty grocery cart handles), the clinic, etc. the first thing I always to when I get into the house is to wash my hands


New member
That is the cutest little teeshirt rhyme. Do it, Do it!!!!! I don't think you'll offend anyone, it's a little jingle of a way to let them know. Really really cute!!

Many people do take their CFers but the CF foundation asks that anyone with MRSA or Cepia (didn't spell that right) to not be present. My husband and I take along the antibacterial hand stuff and avoid shaking hands with anyone, although most people operate that way. If you get a weird look just explain, "we don't want to pass on what xxxx has, so no offense to not shaking your hand". Most are really receptive and appreciatave to that.


New member
My cousin's husband has a horrible nut allergy and when he was growing up, his mom made him wear a shirt that said "food allergies, please do not feed"

I think your shirt idea is great!

At our walk they have lots of food and beverages and I'll usually grab granola bars and bottles of water or juice for myself, DH grabs a soda. I bring along snacks and juice boxes from home for DS and we don't usually eat lunch afterwards 'cuz my inlaws have an open house for our team -- lots of food, beer.... Ever since someone once mentioned everyone digging in the community food, even though there's antibacterial gel there, it kinda creeps me out.



New member
In the past, dd was the only cfer there so it was no big deal. Now we are joining another walk and I know there will be others in attendance. I'm leary about taking her, but probably will and just keep her with my family on the other side of the pavilion or something. I have met the others so I know who to keep her away from.

I love the T-shirt rhyme, maybe I'll copy your idea if you don't mind.


New member
The thing I'm a little wary of is the playground next to the park shelter. Last year the parents of the other toddler kept her with them and DS had the playground equipment all to himself. So far don't thing there will be any younger cfers at our walk this year, but just in case will have to keep an eye out. Liza


New member
Hi, We have been attending the Great Strides Walk for the past 5 years. My daughter has her own team. I think it is a great day for her to go and see that there are other kids like her who take medicine when they eat and do the vest. She looks foward to going it is her special day. The walk is outside, so I am not worried about her catching anything. Anyone who is sick I'm sure would know to stay away from an event like this. My daughter ony sees other people with CF once a year except once in a while at doctors visits. Her doctor will even introduce her to other kids with CF. Again I think it is important that they see they are not ALONE!!!



New member
Has anyone ever sold anything to make more money for the cause?

What do you think about those teddy bears that have the slogan Great Strides?

Any other suggestion?


Robert age 1 w/cf