Changes to CF Male infertility website


New member
Hello all,

I've made some huge changes to the layout of my CF/male infertility website <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

I am looking for feedback (as always ) on the content, but this time, especially about the layout changes. I want to make sure that it's easy to navigate and find what people are looking for. I am working on adding a search feature to the site and that should be available in the next few weeks. I also wanted to put in a FAQ's page, but so far, nobody is really asking questions.

If anyone is interested and has a bit of time to peek at the site, I would appreciate it and welcome the feedback-about anything!

Thanks to everyone!


New member
Very nice site, Julie. Informative, clear, neat, simple to navigate and easy to read - (not hard on the eyes). A+


New member
ONe question. Where did the inheritance table go? I found that one of the most useful things to point people to on questions about carriers and such.


New member
Under the "were to begin" section. Than under "Carrier testing for the Spouse". Here's the link: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Do you think it's a bit too difficult to find now?


New member
Julie, you website is a fantastic resource. I am sure your hard work on it will be appreciated by many, many people. I found it easy to navigate but I was just surfing around and not really looking for anything in particular so I may not be the best judge. I really like it when websites have the navigation bar on each page - that makes things so much easier. Keep up the good work!

Hope you and Mark have a wonderful time traveling during the holidays!



New member
I was thinking about putting a navigation bar on each page. Your are loke the fourth person who has mentioned that to me, so I think I'll put one on every page next revision (possibly this weekend) and see how that does for everyone.

I was trying to do a "drop down" menu, like, you click on "success stories" and then it drops down the tabs for the two IVF success stories and the IUI success story. Or you click on Where to begin, and then it drops down the tabs for semen analysis, carrier testing, probabilities of inheriting CF. But Yahoo doens't have features like that (yet). I don't know of any other web program to use (Im not computer savvy, I used yahoo's sitebuilder).

I appreciate the feedback, I want to make changes so it's easiest for people.

Thank you,