chat room empty?


New member
hello, how come the chatroom is always empty when i log on it?
did i something wrong or its because no one ever logs into the chatroom?


New member
hello, how come the chatroom is always empty when i log on it?
did i something wrong or its because no one ever logs into the chatroom?


New member
hello, how come the chatroom is always empty when i log on it?
did i something wrong or its because no one ever logs into the chatroom?


New member
hello, how come the chatroom is always empty when i log on it?
did i something wrong or its because no one ever logs into the chatroom?


New member
hello, how come the chatroom is always empty when i log on it?
<br />did i something wrong or its because no one ever logs into the chatroom?


New member
you likely did nothing wrong, the chat room gets a good deal of traffic from about 7 till 9 most evenings come by sometime


New member
you likely did nothing wrong, the chat room gets a good deal of traffic from about 7 till 9 most evenings come by sometime


New member
you likely did nothing wrong, the chat room gets a good deal of traffic from about 7 till 9 most evenings come by sometime


New member
you likely did nothing wrong, the chat room gets a good deal of traffic from about 7 till 9 most evenings come by sometime


New member
you likely did nothing wrong, the chat room gets a good deal of traffic from about 7 till 9 most evenings come by sometime