chest pain?


New member
The only time I really had chest pain was when I drank Mt Dew everyday. When I found out that was what could be causing it, I just stopped drinking it. Now I like SunKist : ). Its hard to explain the feeling, but it can be confused with heartburn I've heard



New member
When Kait was complaining about chest pain, she described to the doctor as her heart was hurting, he prescribed Prevacid and it has helped her a great deal.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
If I have chest pain that's gas, I get these sudden, sharp shooting pains that come & go. Sometimes they hurt so much that it's like I'm paralyzed and can't move until the pain goes away.
If I burp or pass gas<img src="i/expressions/gas.gif" border="0"> that helps and ultimately if I can go to the restroom then they usually go away all together.
I'm not sure if this was the type of pain you were referring to.

If my lungs/chest hurt from excessive coughing, ibuprofen and a heating pad help somewhat. That pain feels like I've been in a car wreck or something & to cough or laugh really hurts.


New member
I had different types of pain over the years. Nothing on a regular basis. Some was caused by pleuresy, some gas, some from pneumonia & even constipation. All of it was rectified. If I had twinges of any sort it was while I was very congested & eased then went away as the infection cleared. It is very common as my doctor asks all her patients if they had any since their last visit.


New member
Yea, my doc asks me every time I see him, If I have had any chest pain. But it seems like every time I tell him that I do, then he doesnt say anything about it, he just rights it down. No advice, medicine or anything, of course I never ask, I just figured if it was real important he would do something about it.


New member
I do have chest pain once in a blue moon. When it does happen it hurts really bad but when i cough it breaks up and goes away.

Tiffany 15 w/cf


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Little pains come and go for me. The big pains I get are gas trapped in my upper colon (usually when I drink a soda!)
No soda - no pain. So I've stopped drinking soda - I miss it.


New member
When I have chest pain it feels as if someone is jabbing or poking me really hard. I felt that when I had a very small partial collapse of one of my lungs which eventually fixed itself. I had this same pain a couple weeks ago while in rehab and was eventually re-admitted for that pain. Luckily the x-ray showed no collapse. What did I do when I got that pain? well since I was in rehab I asked for an x-ray. If at home though if I couldn't chalk it up to gas or make it go away with ibueprofen I'd call my Dr.


New member
Sometimes I get a pain that feels like it is "catching" and it does this when I take a deep breath, or sometimes when I breath normal, then all of a sudden it catches, it doesnt do that all the time and it doesnt last long at all. Does anyone know what Im talking about? and if so what have you done about it.


New member
Yeah, now I know what you are talking about. You are just walking along or doing something (or nothing) and all of a sudden you breathe, grab your chest, and say OH THAT HURT!!!. Is that what you are talking about? When it happens to me, thats all I do. I just say "Man thats hurts!" and keep doing whatever I was doing. It usually only last for a couple of breaths for me though. I dont know what causes it.



New member
I get pains similar to how your describing. Nothing ever shows on x-ray, so the docs think they are just mucus plugs trying to break free.


New member
That does sound similar to what I mean ccflewallen, and it is very interesting to know that it could be the mucus plugs, that helps alot.


New member
I have the same mucus plug problems occasionally it feels like that too.

I've also had pleurisy before..I had the signature rub sound when I breathed and it was an awful feeling. It hurt like hell, I can't even describe it. I ended up having to take motrin and darvocet


New member
Ok, one more question about this, has anyone had it to where when you take a deep breath and it feels sore like in your back or side of your chest. Even when you stretch in that spot, its like it doesnt hurt but it is sore and when you stretch, it feels good. What have you done and what could it be?


New member
I started getting chest pain last year about this time, it was so severe I went to the ER, as it turned out I have vasospastic angina. It still hurts me every so often. Physical and emotional stress make it much worse. I take two blood pressure meds, Norvasc and Altace and I have nitroglycerin that I put under my tongue as needed.

I have angioblast done last October and my main arteries are okay just the small ones that collapse. It is really scary to get chest pain for me, sometimes I am afraid it isn't going to go away. The pain is a heavy sharp pain that starts in the center of my chest and goes down my arm, sometimes it goes to my shoulder blades and my neck. I usually don't tell anyone that I am having it because I don't want to freak anyone out and my doctor said not to worry unless it doesn't go away after taking the nitro three times. If it isn't relieved after three pills then I have to go to the ER.

I also take two meds for heartburn and reflux just in case that contributes to it.

32 / w CF and Addison's