Chicken pox and nursery school plus cough cold advice


New member
A little girl at my daughter's nursery school came down with the chicken pox Sat. My daughter with CF was exposed because she played with this girl 2 days prior to the girl getting chicken pox. My daughter with CF has had the chicken pox vaccine. Do i send her to school when there is an outbreak of chicken pox even though my daughter has had the vaccine? It is not mandatory for the kids to get the chickem pox vaccine here so i know there are other kids in her class that are lilkely to come down with it. Plus Maggie has a cold/cough that is going around the class as well. So, if Maggie was feeling up to going to school would you send her. Thanks for your input.


New member
A little girl at my daughter's nursery school came down with the chicken pox Sat. My daughter with CF was exposed because she played with this girl 2 days prior to the girl getting chicken pox. My daughter with CF has had the chicken pox vaccine. Do i send her to school when there is an outbreak of chicken pox even though my daughter has had the vaccine? It is not mandatory for the kids to get the chickem pox vaccine here so i know there are other kids in her class that are lilkely to come down with it. Plus Maggie has a cold/cough that is going around the class as well. So, if Maggie was feeling up to going to school would you send her. Thanks for your input.


New member
A little girl at my daughter's nursery school came down with the chicken pox Sat. My daughter with CF was exposed because she played with this girl 2 days prior to the girl getting chicken pox. My daughter with CF has had the chicken pox vaccine. Do i send her to school when there is an outbreak of chicken pox even though my daughter has had the vaccine? It is not mandatory for the kids to get the chickem pox vaccine here so i know there are other kids in her class that are lilkely to come down with it. Plus Maggie has a cold/cough that is going around the class as well. So, if Maggie was feeling up to going to school would you send her. Thanks for your input.


New member
I personally would send her. She was already exposed & she has had the vaccine. Just keep an extra eye on her exspecially with the cold going around on top of things. Obviously if she develops signs of Chicken Pox themselves then that is different!


New member
I personally would send her. She was already exposed & she has had the vaccine. Just keep an extra eye on her exspecially with the cold going around on top of things. Obviously if she develops signs of Chicken Pox themselves then that is different!


New member
I personally would send her. She was already exposed & she has had the vaccine. Just keep an extra eye on her exspecially with the cold going around on top of things. Obviously if she develops signs of Chicken Pox themselves then that is different!


Staff member
You could also contact your CF clinic about getting an antiviral. Prior to DS getting his vaccine, there was a case of chicken pox at his daycare and I think he developed an unrelated rash, so his doctor put him on an antiviral as a precautionary.


Staff member
You could also contact your CF clinic about getting an antiviral. Prior to DS getting his vaccine, there was a case of chicken pox at his daycare and I think he developed an unrelated rash, so his doctor put him on an antiviral as a precautionary.


Staff member
You could also contact your CF clinic about getting an antiviral. Prior to DS getting his vaccine, there was a case of chicken pox at his daycare and I think he developed an unrelated rash, so his doctor put him on an antiviral as a precautionary.


New member
Thanks for your replies. Looks like I'm going to keep Maggie home today anyway. Not because of the chicken pox outbreak but because she was coughing away last night from post-nasal drip from her cold. My husband has the same thing, just a few days behind her. so, we're taking it easy today, give her an extra treatment and hope her cough doesn't head south.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie almost 4 with CF)


New member
Thanks for your replies. Looks like I'm going to keep Maggie home today anyway. Not because of the chicken pox outbreak but because she was coughing away last night from post-nasal drip from her cold. My husband has the same thing, just a few days behind her. so, we're taking it easy today, give her an extra treatment and hope her cough doesn't head south.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie almost 4 with CF)


New member
Thanks for your replies. Looks like I'm going to keep Maggie home today anyway. Not because of the chicken pox outbreak but because she was coughing away last night from post-nasal drip from her cold. My husband has the same thing, just a few days behind her. so, we're taking it easy today, give her an extra treatment and hope her cough doesn't head south.

Rebecca(mom to Sammy 8 no CF and MAggie almost 4 with CF)