Hey Chris,
That is really funny, I was in for a check-up yesterday also, my apt. was at 11 but I was a little late! Maybe I saw you there and just didn't know. I too use Chest PT services, but have had the same PT since I was 2 years old, if you can believe it. When I was diagnosed she was the first one sent out- and it turned out she lived in my town, was relatively the same age as my mom, had kids my age, so it worked out great. She is now a great friend of the family and does EXCELLENT chest PT. I live in Brighton now where I go to school, but go home to my house 1/2 hour west of Boston on the weekends, and she does Chest PT then.
I am not on hypertonic saline- but I'd be really interested in hearing how you do on it. What do you culture if you dont mind my asking. We'd probably want to wave from a FAR FAR FAR seeing as I have cepacia. Dont worry, I wont be offended! I am interested about hypertonic saline but am not sure, seeing as "coughing stuff up, or thinning out the mucous" isn't really a huge problem of mine...if that makes sense, but I'd be curious to see what it did for you.
Who else have you had at Children's? I am probably doing a 3 week cleanout, since I was so sick with this cold I need an extra boost- just today I am starting to feel a bit better. UGH- 2 weeks ago if someone would have said I'd be on a cleanout I wouldn't have believed them!
I totally agree with you about things needing to be addressed- I was bringing up a lot of the problems I saw with the Brigham and apparently they hadn't heard any of it before. I was the 24th CF patient to be admitted, so this surprised me. I am all about being your own advocate- and it is the hospitals responsibility to be fully ready and capable to admit CF patients in a responsible way. The only way I can describe it is- At Children's I always felt like I was getting some of the best care possible, that I was really at an excellent, special hospital. At the Brigham, I just felt like I was at any old hospital, not THE BEST, and that bothers me. It especially bothers me that I dont have the option to be admitted at THE BEST if I want to be. At least we are not kicked out altogether.
JANE- I do think that ALL docs are conservative for the most part- they dont seem to want to ENDORSE anything that isn't all technically approved, but if you bring it up they def. wont discourage it either. My understanding is that just because a PICC is a 3 French doesnt mean it should clot. What were the circumstances? Sometimes they are hesitant about using a lot of Heparin but I always do, I figure it is worth it. Plus, I am on Vitamin K which is a coagulant, like lots of CF patients, so I figure that counteracts any blood-thinning properties of Heparin.
I have not seen the new 9 South rooms- but I have heard of them and it makes me more mad!!! The rooms at the Brigham really suck, actually, and I know that the "new" towers over there are really nice- but of course they are reserved for people having babies....obviously life is fair!
Who knows, maybe it will change back, but I do know it is all about accredidation and not really the hospitals at all, unfortunately.
22 w/ CF, b. cepacia