Christi - Ashton2005


New member
Hi Christi,

I just read your last post on one of your threads and wanted to extend an apology to you. I think that several people tried to answer your question as best they could - I also tried to give my experience in case it was of any help.

I think that the thread just went drastically astray from the original reason you posted and for that I am sorry. I contributed in it straying off course and just feel horrible that thread and the posts within have lead to you wanting to withdraw from this site and/or caused you distress in any way.

I understand and respect your decision if you do end up turning away from the site, but either way I want you to know that I feel badly for the direction that your thread went in.

Best Wishes,


New member
I wasent happy when i wrote that and i do appreciate the people that did give me their experiences but the other ones just need not to post on the thread if they have no experience in what i was asking especially if they are going to butcher working mothers which i belive should never be done we live in the 21st century... again thank you for your help those of you that did but i will stick primarily to the other site unless i need drastic help then i wil PM people.....


New member
christi, i hope you change your mind, that was just one voice in a sea of others who don't agree with those opinions<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> people who don't have children do not understand that the most hurtful thing you could say to a mother is that they aren't doing a good job. don't listen !!!!!!! take care, janet.


New member
thanks karen no it was one person that mad me upset, that shouldnt have replied anyway if shes going to look down and talk down about working parents thank you though everyone else was great insight


New member
Christi, I missed your post about the nanny question, but please don't let one person who was obviously narrow-minded drive you from us. EVERY PERSON HERE IS VALUABLE! So what if she was venomous--we have the anticdote--our careing for you. Did you see how many people had your back? I didn't see one person who agreed with Amy. Obviously Amy misses SD and felt she must uphold the tradition of slash and burn. DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE WIN, stand up for yourself. If everybody would have ignored Amy's ridiculous post, this wouldn't have happened. That is what we must do when this happens, the person who is posting trash will soon get tired of people talking around her/him. Why don't we try it next time? I'm tired of people who post rude things and then use the defense of "it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it". Whatever happened to "I respectfully disagree..."? By the way, the nanny job sounds like a great way to be with your child and still get paid. Watching others kids while you have your own is a great experience for your child. There are germs everywhere, it won't matter. I daycared too. My granddaughter is in a daycare since she was born--gets dirty playing outside and loves it. Don't leave!


New member
you can ignore individuals on this site.

but you all talk about being narrow-minded. if you decide to freak out about opinions that don't agree with yours, i call that narrow minded.

this site isn't a place where we all are going to agree 100%. i still think many are under the dilusion that when we post, we are entitled to only get responses that make us feel good.

i will continue to post comments on what i think is in the best interest of children.

and whatever happened to "i respectfull disagree...." , terri? well wow, take a look at your post. you don't seem to be following your own advice, do you? instead of respectfull disagreeing with my statements of what is in the best interst of children, you are calling me names (narrow minded) and making fun of both Sean Davis and I and calling my opinion rediculous.

I think you define hypocracy.


New member

I too, would like to apologize for not really answering your initial question but going off on my own rant on the pros/cons of working mothers.

I personally have never nannied, but have thought about doing it myself. If it wasn't for my husbands weird work schedule I probably would. He's on call 24 hours a day, 6 days a week so sleeps whenever he can. Can't possibly have a few extra kids running around the house when he's trying to sleep at 1pm.

This may or may not help, but I've found that Abby was less sick than the other children in daycare and didn't catch what they had as often as I thought she would. I don't know if it's because of all the neb treatments, vitamins and other meds or not.

Good luck in whatever you decide.