

New member
i saw the thread on smoking pot. but i was wondering if there was any cfer's on here that smoked cigarrettes. just wondering!
thanks<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah, I tried it a few trimes as a teenager - but I never liked it and also I always had a little voice in the back of my head saying "this is sooo bad for you" so I never really started.


New member
I did as a young adult before I knew I had CF.. I also lived with a guy for 7 years that smoked.. ICK I know....

I do have to say, I understand why ppl smoke.. I am not saying I think it is okay because I don't... I am saying I know why... Actually we learned in school that ppl with schizophrnia like to smoke so much because something in the first puff of a cig calms them down.... I am sure it is one of the posions or something.. I will never smoke again for so many obvious reasons, but I do have to say.. I liked the calming effect it had on me...Geez did I just say I am schizophrenic??? Yikes.. but seriously, it has a chemical in it that does something...I think so many ppl smoke because they have so much anxiety and don't know how to deal with it properly... It is really quite sad to me....


New member
Never ever. Before I was adopted and still lived with my birth parent's, they smoked heavily. (And did alot of other stuff too...) I have damage to my lower right lung, and after i was adopted, my damage has never increased. My doctors felt that that damage was due to the early years of living with them.


New member
I started smoking when I was like 18-19. I was never a really heavy smoker, and I definately smoke more when i drink, but yes, I smoke. I probably smoke about 5-6 a day. I find that especially at work, I really really enjoy smoking cigarettes on break with my friends. If I'm at home for the weekend, then I don't really smoke. So ya, it's definately a social thing for me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

I've learned to accept the fact that I smoke. As long as i don't smoke too much, I am ok with it. I don't think the 5 or so will too big a difference in my overall health. Both my parents smoked when I was living at home, up until 17, and my pft's were always great. They still are.


New member
Honey? I'm a guy btw...

Speaking of crack...nevermind...there are kids in this forum hehehe...

i guess on paper it sounds stupid...but life isn't written in a book. Circumstances, choices....there is more to being alive than doing what is best. You of all people should be acceptant of people and their choices...



New member
I socially smoked for a couple of months. This actually just involved me smoking 1 cigarette about 3 times in two month. So if you want to classify that as smoking, then yeah I did. I prefere to think of it as experimenting. This was when I was 18-19 and very stupid. I knew it was bad for me, but I was just trying to be "normal". I found smoking cigarettes to be very disgusting, and it actually made me sick. Funny thing is, is that I never inhaled it into my lungs. I think I liked the look of smoking, more then actually smoking. I think smoking cigarettes is way worse for a CFer then smoking the occasional joint. But to each there own. Only you know what your body can handle.


New member
Well I dunno, I did both for a long time. When i was smoking pot daily, i found that after I stopped, I wasn't as congested in the morning. Similarly, since i stopped smoking pot, I find i get congested with cigarettes.

I'm not condoning it, I'm just telling the truth. I think the fact that I totally ignored cf and never really recognized it as something serious had something to do with it. For me, it was something I had. You guys for sure take it more seriously. I dunno...I just never considered myself sick, so I did normal things....


New member
I don't know about anyone else on here in regards to pot, but I found that when I did smoke pot I had less bleeders. In fact when I'm not smoking I get bleeds, and when I did smoke I didn't get them. Weird.


New member
I tried one. Once. It made my breathing feel limited, it smelled gross, tasted gross... not a fan, myself. But that one that I tried is the furthest I ever went with it. And it was brought on by basically "Okay, what is the big d*mn deal???"


New member
To ender

Sounds like you have a positive attitude about life so you will probably never regret smoking.

You are not obviously a good role model for the kids who surf this forum. Sorry but had to give my opinion. I sure hope you were not the originator of this topic.
Shame on you if you are.

The way I see smoking for a person who knows they have cf- this is one way to rebel and to put off the years that you can take the time to better your health so you can prepare for your future.


New member
Exuse me for being blunt but Risa.. get off your high horse and quit judging people.. No one on here has to be anything other then themselves... Keep your shame on you to yourself...

If young kids on here need anything in their life, it is not to have people be fake and lie about their experiences in their lives.. If any kid on here came and checked this site out, it would be far more damaging for them to see a bunch of people judging each other, then someone sharing their own need to have a place to be honest and share and learn.. I don't know a kid around that would post and say they smoked now after such a harsh statement....

Sorry But I also had to give my veiw..



New member
We're all human. Some of us make mistakes, some of us learn from them, etc. I can't judge anyone for smoking because I haven't lived a day in their shoes.


New member
I think you forgot one thing Jennifer, this is a public forum and we all can give our viewpoints. I am wrong for saying shame on you. I apologize for that. I was thinking of the innocent kids with cf when I wrote my post.

You could have voiced your opinion with a nicer tone. You are always looking for people to confort you when you are write in. Not that you are judging me????