
New member
I was wondering if anyone wore a mask to clinic? and if its required by your clinic

Melissa mom to dylan 6 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member
Hayley has never been asked to wear a mask to clinic appointments. But I do know they limit contact between CF patients. They schedule anyone who has cultures Pseudomonas on separate days from patients who have not culture it. ALso when we check in we are usually the only ones in the lobby of the clinic and they check the lobby before we leave to see if any other CF patients are out there, if so we leave out another enterance of the clinic. Our clinic is smaller that most probably are in really big cities, so they are able to do this, don't know if it the norm or not. Probably is a good idea to wear a mask to appointments if your child has to sit in the lobby with other CF patient, but I am interested to read the other responses.


New member
I don't. And I don't think it is at my clinic. It might for cepacia, but that'd be it. And even that, I'm not sure about. Because I know they make the people with the more resistant bacteria come at the end of clinic day, separate.


New member
Cale doesn't but I have thought about having him do so. I have only seen a couple of patients with them on. He hasn't cultured anything 'major' yet. We are usually in the waiting area for 5 minutes or so, and it is impossible to keep him away from the toys in the waiting room. So I always have antibacterial gel on him before and after he plays.


New member
It isn't required at our clinic unless you go to lab or xray, and then it is. At clinic, they put you in a room alone right away so you are not around other cfers.


New member
Our dr only schedules two cf patients a day one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The receptionist has to get an override for my kids to come together. So no one uses a mask. I am sure my children would fight it the whole time if we did use them.


New member
I haven't seen anyone wear masks at our clinic. There isn't really a closed in waiting room at our clinic, it is hard to describe but it is really open (like 80 feet by 40 feet, and is more like a large hallway than a waiting room) and there are waiting areas all over and people pretty much stay away from each other. Our clinic is large (something like 12 docs and 400 CF patients) which is why the area is so huge.

They do have patients with b. cepacia come on different days, but not sure about patients with pseudo...

They also remove ALL toys on clinic days, which is SO IMPORTANT for us since Sydney can't bear not to play with toys!!

Kelli (mom of Sydney 2wcf)


New member
They do ask all cf patients to wear a mask at our clinic, so we always have but there are those who don't and no one enforces it. That really bothers us. We wait among others with CF and more often than not, someone is coughing pretty good, of course it's usually the one without the mask!