Cold in cfer


New member
My 2 y/o daughter is getting a cold. She started the dry cough last night, and now the runny nose is starting. Questions: She was just dx 4 months ago, so we haven't experienced a cold after the diagnosis, so I am assuming a cold for her will be worse than someone w/o cf. Is this correct? She cultured pseudemonas the first time, and has been on a month-long course of cipro, then amox for strep, but no tobi yet. Is there anything I can do to keep it from getting so bad? How long do I wait before I call the CF dr if it does not seem to go away?


New member
When Sean was first diagnosed, we didn't mess around and called our CF Dr. whenever he got a cold. However, since then, I've learned some of his "signals" for colds that are getting more serious. Usually we don't worry too much about a dry cough or runny nose.

Just because your CFer has a cold doesn't mean it's going to turn into anything more than just a cold and a cold doesn't have to be worse for the CFer than anyone else. My older son seems to suffer more from "common" colds than my CFer.

If you're worried, go ahead and call your CF Dr. It can't hurt.


New member
My son's doctor at the cf clinic advised me to call him whenever he has had cold for more than 3 days, or when i notice his symptoms are getting worse. I made the mistake of not calling the doc soon enough when my son got his first real cold at about 11 months old. By the time i called, it was too late and we spent 2 weeks in the hospital. I would advise you to call just to be on the safe side. Good luck.

Jodi, Mom to Tucker w/cf


New member
It's hard to tell, but as he gets older, he'll be able to tell you. When they're babies, I'd say follow the general advice and call if it lasts more than a few days. But as he gets older, that certainly won't be the case. When I get a winter cold, it lasts easily for at least a month before it finally subsides.


New member
My daughter is 3 and her dr told us to call them if she has a cough for 5 days. I freaked out when she got her first cold after her CF diagnosis but it didn't end up being any worse than it normally is. In fact, she usually kicks a cold faster than my other daughter without CF.


New member
Since she was just recently diagnosed and has already cultured pseudo (do you know why they didn't put her on TOBI for that?) I personally would give them a call now bc it could be the pseudo and not just a cold (is it cold season where you live?). I may be more of a nervous nelly than some but when you are fairly new to this and your daughter is so young and probably can't explain her symptoms real well, I think it is better to be more cautious than not. Your doctor may have some tips/advice for you since he/she knows more about your dd's case. My daughter had 2 colds this past spring which seemed to hang around for 3-4 weeks each, that seemed like a long time to me but my friends' kids the same age w/o CF had colds that lasted even longer, so I really can't say that hers were worse. I think it depends on each childs individual health and immune system. Many people w/o CF have colds that last for 6-8 weeks, go figure!

Oh ya, another thought since it is major allergy season here (Midwest, US), could she just be getting allergies??

HTH & Hope she gets better soon!
Kelli (mom of Sydney 2wcf)


New member
Original poster here. I think she is getting a cold because the other child at the babysitters is beginning to get over one. It started for him on Friday afternoon, which makes sense as to the timing of her symptoms. This morning her cough is a little wetter sounding, so I am not really sure. Also not really sure the dr didn't put her on Tobi, because it seems like so many others that cultured pseudo have been. My other concern is that I am traveling out of town Friday night, and won't return until Sunday after next, so I am just getting a little more worried than I normally would.
Thanks for everyone's input. It really helps to have others who have more experience than me, since I am a Newbie!