College Life....?!?!


New member
I am starting college this Fall, (YAY!) and I am rooming with someone else. I was wondering how CFer's did it! How they orginized thier room with the medical equipment, and how they did thier nebs. Was it difficult and stressful? Or was being on your own better?

Lemme know how you went though it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

18 w/ CF. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am starting college this Fall, (YAY!) and I am rooming with someone else. I was wondering how CFer's did it! How they orginized thier room with the medical equipment, and how they did thier nebs. Was it difficult and stressful? Or was being on your own better?

Lemme know how you went though it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

18 w/ CF. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am starting college this Fall, (YAY!) and I am rooming with someone else. I was wondering how CFer's did it! How they orginized thier room with the medical equipment, and how they did thier nebs. Was it difficult and stressful? Or was being on your own better?
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<br />Lemme know how you went though it! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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<br />18 w/ CF. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ugh I would MUCH prefer living by myself any day.
However my brother works on a cruise ship and he has to share crew quarters with a bunkmate, and cruise ship crew quarters are less than half the size of your average dorm room. However he has just always been completely up front with whoever he ends up bunking with, and he's taken care of his own stuff and has been blessed with crew mates who have always been very supportive and 'okay with' his equipment and treatments...

I hope you end up with someone who is supportive as well, it'll be a fun experience! Best of luck!


New member
Ugh I would MUCH prefer living by myself any day.
However my brother works on a cruise ship and he has to share crew quarters with a bunkmate, and cruise ship crew quarters are less than half the size of your average dorm room. However he has just always been completely up front with whoever he ends up bunking with, and he's taken care of his own stuff and has been blessed with crew mates who have always been very supportive and 'okay with' his equipment and treatments...

I hope you end up with someone who is supportive as well, it'll be a fun experience! Best of luck!


New member
Ugh I would MUCH prefer living by myself any day.
<br />However my brother works on a cruise ship and he has to share crew quarters with a bunkmate, and cruise ship crew quarters are less than half the size of your average dorm room. However he has just always been completely up front with whoever he ends up bunking with, and he's taken care of his own stuff and has been blessed with crew mates who have always been very supportive and 'okay with' his equipment and treatments...
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<br />I hope you end up with someone who is supportive as well, it'll be a fun experience! Best of luck!


New member
Personally I opted for a single room just so I'd have privacy with doing meds and not wake anybody up with my coughing and I loved it! Good luck with school, make sure you take good care of yourself and you'll do great!


New member
Personally I opted for a single room just so I'd have privacy with doing meds and not wake anybody up with my coughing and I loved it! Good luck with school, make sure you take good care of yourself and you'll do great!


New member
Personally I opted for a single room just so I'd have privacy with doing meds and not wake anybody up with my coughing and I loved it! Good luck with school, make sure you take good care of yourself and you'll do great!


New member
I'm starting college in the fall too and I have a roommate too. Unfortunately I have all of the same questions and no answers but it is nice to know that someone else out there is going through the same thing as me! If you haven't already I would suggest at least telling your roommate you have cf I was nervous about telling mine but it wasn't too bad and she had actually heard of it before!


New member
I'm starting college in the fall too and I have a roommate too. Unfortunately I have all of the same questions and no answers but it is nice to know that someone else out there is going through the same thing as me! If you haven't already I would suggest at least telling your roommate you have cf I was nervous about telling mine but it wasn't too bad and she had actually heard of it before!


New member
I'm starting college in the fall too and I have a roommate too. Unfortunately I have all of the same questions and no answers but it is nice to know that someone else out there is going through the same thing as me! If you haven't already I would suggest at least telling your roommate you have cf I was nervous about telling mine but it wasn't too bad and she had actually heard of it before!


New member
my 21 yr old bf of 9 months has cf and started college last year. Don't think there was much of a problem with roommates. Make sure that you talk to people in charge of giving out accommodations. We realized that he needed this back in the spring after he missed so many classes and had to drop most of his classes. He had been sick in the spring and that put him out for about 2 weeks and then his lung collapsed as we were leaving for spring break and that was another two weeks. Only with that last one they kept him to give him a tune up. I don't know how anyone else calls it but that is what he refers to them as. Anyways I would suggest you take care of that because you never know what could happen.


New member
my 21 yr old bf of 9 months has cf and started college last year. Don't think there was much of a problem with roommates. Make sure that you talk to people in charge of giving out accommodations. We realized that he needed this back in the spring after he missed so many classes and had to drop most of his classes. He had been sick in the spring and that put him out for about 2 weeks and then his lung collapsed as we were leaving for spring break and that was another two weeks. Only with that last one they kept him to give him a tune up. I don't know how anyone else calls it but that is what he refers to them as. Anyways I would suggest you take care of that because you never know what could happen.


New member
my 21 yr old bf of 9 months has cf and started college last year. Don't think there was much of a problem with roommates. Make sure that you talk to people in charge of giving out accommodations. We realized that he needed this back in the spring after he missed so many classes and had to drop most of his classes. He had been sick in the spring and that put him out for about 2 weeks and then his lung collapsed as we were leaving for spring break and that was another two weeks. Only with that last one they kept him to give him a tune up. I don't know how anyone else calls it but that is what he refers to them as. Anyways I would suggest you take care of that because you never know what could happen.


New member
I'm the sister of the boyfriend of the above post. One thing that you will need that some in a new college setting is.....a dorm fridge. You need to keep meds cold right. My brother did start out with a roommate but when they moved the whole dorm ant tore the old one down..he wound up with a single room. It helps and then it doesn't. Having a roommate can make emergency situations easier. The same with the lung collapsing on him. While in college it has happened 3 times.

Kristy 25 Sister to 2 brothers with CF


New member
I'm the sister of the boyfriend of the above post. One thing that you will need that some in a new college setting is.....a dorm fridge. You need to keep meds cold right. My brother did start out with a roommate but when they moved the whole dorm ant tore the old one down..he wound up with a single room. It helps and then it doesn't. Having a roommate can make emergency situations easier. The same with the lung collapsing on him. While in college it has happened 3 times.

Kristy 25 Sister to 2 brothers with CF


New member
I'm the sister of the boyfriend of the above post. One thing that you will need that some in a new college setting is.....a dorm fridge. You need to keep meds cold right. My brother did start out with a roommate but when they moved the whole dorm ant tore the old one down..he wound up with a single room. It helps and then it doesn't. Having a roommate can make emergency situations easier. The same with the lung collapsing on him. While in college it has happened 3 times.
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<br />----------------------------------
<br />Kristy 25 Sister to 2 brothers with CF


New member
Thanks so much! I am blessed to know my roomate knows all about CF because her best friend brother has it!
Thank you all for the advice!


New member
Thanks so much! I am blessed to know my roomate knows all about CF because her best friend brother has it!
Thank you all for the advice!