New member
I'm a senior in highschool right now and I've been thinking a lot about what to do for college. I finally had decided to apply to one school about an hour away from my home and if I didn't get into it then I would just go to my community college. However, after my last hospital stay (got out on thursday) I've been thinking a lot about whether or not I even want to go to that college because I wouldn't be living at home, if I get sick and get behind I'll have to catch up and going to a four year university and forking over around 30,000 dollars a year just to end up possibly struggling to get through it all probably wouldn't be worth it. My doctor talked about how going in for tune ups may start to be a regular thing for me; my first hospital stay (for one week) and 3 week round of IV antibiotics was in May of 05, then I went on IVs again at home for 3 weeks in October of 05, and then just now I was in the hospital again on IVs for a week and now two more weeks at home. So it seems as though it's starting to be a regular thing. It was hard for me to decide to limit myself to applying just to the one university so that I could be close to home should I get sick, and now the thought of eliminating that and deciding to just go to the community college is hard because everyone at school is applying to at least 5 different universities and colleges and then just giving up the whole college experience, moving out of the house and living in a dorm and all of that. I'm not quite sure what to do and I just wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts about this, or what you did as far as college and how it has worked out.