

New member
I was just wondering if anyone has a small child who has had to have a colonoscopy?I have a 2 year old who is going to have this procedure done next week and I am hoping that it sounds worse than it is. The poor thing has just been through so much I really hope this is not too bad. Right now we are sitting on a sweat test result of 60 and waiting for a retest, also next week. The doctor said they will look for abnormalities on the colonoscopy, what does that mean? I always get too shaken to think of all of these questions while we are still there.Thanks for any input.


New member
Hi! they are looking for abnormalities, sorry, but I believe it will not be a very good experience for your child, however, it will say so much about what is happening and stuff. It sounds like a must. I don't think they do these tests lightly. I can feel for you however, my four year old is going in for surgery for the first time. She has polops in her sinuses and is full of infection as well. It won't tickle I suppose, but it needs to be done. I am scared for her and wish I could take her pain and switch it over to me, but I can't. My biggest fear is when they put her to sleep, she will be so frightened, I know. How do I take that fear away, I can't, but I can do my best to help her over come her fear by being straight forward and explaining everything. Take care, hope everything goes good for you and your child.


New member
Hi! they are looking for abnormalities, sorry, but I believe it will not be a very good experience for your child, however, it will say so much about what is happening and stuff. It sounds like a must. I don't think they do these tests lightly. I can feel for you however, my four year old is going in for surgery for the first time. She has polops in her sinuses and is full of infection as well. It won't tickle I suppose, but it needs to be done. I am scared for her and wish I could take her pain and switch it over to me, but I can't. My biggest fear is when they put her to sleep, she will be so frightened, I know. How do I take that fear away, I can't, but I can do my best to help her over come her fear by being straight forward and explaining everything. Take care, hope everything goes good for you and your child.


New member
I would totally ignore the above post about it being a bad experience for your child. The only part your child will even be aware of is the IV they start. After that, it's goodnight. When you wake up, you have no idea that they even did it. It really is nothing. Oh', but good luck the day before. He might not enjoy the laxative. Actually, YOU might not enjoy the laxative. I HIGHLY recommend you chilling the bottle of laxative and mixing with SPRITE. Again, NOTHING to worry about.


New member
Sorry...must ask...what kind of abnormalities are they looking for? A colonoscopy is not a normal test when looking for CF after a 60 sweat test! Was the sweat test done at a CF center? If not, ask to have it done at one.


New member
My DS at 12 mos had an endoscopy (stomach and upper intestine) done. The IV was the worst part as well as coming out of the antesthetics. But after a couple of hours he was back to normal. It's not pleasant but you will both get through it. Remember you have to have stength for your child. If they see fear in your eyes, they will become more afraid. DD at 3 1/2 yo was put under for tonsils, and she laughed and giggled at the funny gown she had on and how stinky the gas was. It's all how you put it in front of them. You need to find out why they are doing the test so you are prepared for any results that may come back. Best Wishes and God Bless!


New member
No, our first sweat test was not done at a CF center. I read so many times that it needed to be done at a CF center that I was going to request that the retest be done at a CF center. Then we went to a gastro doc who immediatly said she wanted a retest at a CF center. Overall her symptoms are repeated pnumonias, frequnt respitory distress, some scaring or something in the upper lobe of her right lung, she has not grown in over a year( she is almost 3) her poop has never been really normal, never really solid with undigested food, and lots of it 5-6 per day, also rectal bleeding, which is the reason for the colonoscopy. The pulmonologist that we are seeing is I think trying to say asthma, allergies and a milk allergy, but he can't really seem to get anything under controll, but he seems to be one of those doctors who just wants to get you in and out as fast as possible. The gastro doctor is much more thourough. I hate for my daughter to have all of these tests done, but at this point she is just not getting any better so I know that they are neccesarry. Does anyone know what the difference is in getting the sweat test done at a CF clinic and just a lab? It seems pretty had to mess up, but everyone really stresses that it should be done at a CF center.


New member
Go to a CF Center!! DS had a sweat test done at a regular hospital last Fall, and they ruled out CF. He was having 6-9 BMs a day. Yellow/Orange and bulky, constant cough and drainage, no weight gain, dropping into the 1-3percentile on those charts. This hospital told me it was a 'phase'! I knew something was wrong so in April my reg family Dr gave me a referral to the U of I and they have a CF clinic. We started with a GI Dr who told me the first appt, he wanted to do the sweat test again. He was the first Dr that seemed to take my concerns seriously. Well two more attempts at a sweat test and DS didn't sweat! So they sent in bloodwork which took 4 weeks to get back. In the mean time they brought in a lung Dr who suspected asthma or CF. We did a steroid for asthma which did nothing. They did a Bronchoscopy on DS and found bacteria in lungs. Then we got results back from blood, which finally confirmed CF. I hate to think about taking the first hospital's results and diagnosis of a phase! Go where they know what they are doing. At the regular lab, the nurse that did the sweat test said she's never seen a test come back positive. That tells me they're doing something very wrong! CF clinics know what they are dealing with too if it should come back as CF. I've learned so much in two weeks, but something I am going to trust is my instincts. They are very powerful! I think even my hubby started to think I was nuts in pursuing it!


New member
I also have to pipe in and say "Get to a CF Center". You can always get a false negative test, but never a false positive. At centers that do the testing that are not enters, they don't really know how to read the tests. CF centers know exactly what they are ooking for, don't do unneccessary testing, put your child through awful things unless they feel they are warranted, etc.A lot of your childs symptoms are suspiciously CF-like, may not be, but I would let CF professionals decide that....not people who are gussing at it.Are you in the US...and if so, what state?


New member
In response to the quote " I would totally disregard the above post" well, here's to you! Although you might take the fact of your CHILD being put to sleep lightly, others who are a little more intelligent, will realize the danger to the complicated, no guarantees styles of such medical procedures. The unlikely hood of anything going wrong is mynute, however,not rethought warrant. Any child or adolescent or even an adult, is in a serious situation and they should be worried. Maybe, I should have been a little more conciderate to the persons feelings, but truth would have it, it is serious and NO child should have to go through it. Maybe, people on this sight don't want to hear the truth, however, I do...this is why I am on the sight. So maybe your child going through this kind of ordeal, is not emotionally affecting you, but it might to others, therefore, don't disreguard my comment, just pick and choose yours without judging my situation and/or how I deal with my pain. (the kind I can't take away from my daughter, the one I just have to deal with)!!!!!


New member
Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent. I do not even have a child, but understand now your concern. The anastegialogist (spelling) knows the risks and does everything to minimize them, by putting children, especially ones with chronic diseases, sleep with the least amount of juice. I still think the procedure is very important if the doctor recommended it and the outcome of the procedure far outways the minimal risks.


New member
I have to go with Anonymous from Saturday at 11:30 pm. It almost sounds as if this Dr. is grasping because he doesn't know what to look for. The child has rectal bleeding so let's look there instead of maybe looking at the combination of all the symptoms. I would go with all the other suggestions of "Get thee to a CF Center". Good luck!


New member
You know this is very scary! There seem to be so many missed diagnosises with this! The guy at the lab where my daughter had her first test done also said that he had never seen a test come back positive. I just wonder how many kids, or adults are walking around their whole life just treating their symptoms because the haven't been tested, or were tested and it was just missed? I have been doing some research and this may be wrong , but I read that CF is the most common genetic disease in the United States. Is that true? Some states, but very few, test for CF as part of routine newborn testing. Why aren't all states doing this? They test for other less common problems. This is a very frustrating thing, and we don't even have a CF diagnosis.Anyways we are in Texas and the clinic we are going to for the retest is at OU medical center(Oklahoma) which is a CF center, thank goodness. I am getting so frustrated with doctors saying, have we ruled out CF?Oh it was borderline, so it's not that. If borderline is negitive then why is it called borderline?! I wonder if anyone tracks this kind of thing? Maybe all of these other places just need to stop doing the tests if they are doing them wrong. I'm sorry I'm just so frustrated with all of this right now, and yes I think that the doctors are really just grasping at straws and I don't like them experimenting on my child. Again, I'm sorry I don't mean to sound bitter or anything I just wish someone would help my child get better.


New member
If OU is a CF center and this is CF, then you will know by the time you leave there. They know what to look for, what to test for. Let them know how frustrated and frightened you are and what little help you have gotten to this point. They will help you! They have seen this before with other parents and will understand. If this is CF, the CF community is a very supportive and loving one. It's a lousy group to have to join, but a very supportive one at the same time. Let us know what happens.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">