Colostomy reversal question


New member
I know this forum has been in an uproar lately, but I hope some of you might share your experiences with me in regard to the colostomy reversal.
Andrew had surgery last Tuesday 10/11/05 and now we are in the "waiting for poopie mode".
I never knew this was going to be so stressful. Andrew is in the Children's Hospital which is nearly two hours away and it's really hard for me to get there everyday to see him. I WANT HIM HOME!!!!!!!!!


New member
I never had a colostomy or a reversal, so I can't help. I just wanted to say your son is cute. Little chubby cheeks. Hehehehe. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
My son had the reversal at 2 months beacuse of failure to thrive. He tends to now have more bowel problems than lung. I think it is just from the whole bowel thing. You will be glad to get it done and not have to deal with it anymore.What hospital do you go to????



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<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Jen
I'm a father of a 46 year old male w/cf. 12 hours after he was born, he had major surgery involving some large bowel removal and a colostomy. The colostomy lasted 6 months before it was reversed (end to end). During this 6 month period he was treated as and reacted as any normal child. There were several major considerations. The colostomy ends and the surrounding area MUST be kept very clean. The doctors and nurses should brief you on this thoroughly, but if they don't, do everything you can think of to keep every thing as clean as humanly possible. The dormant end of the colostomy will require irrigation frequently. This proceedure keeps the nonfunctioning portion of the intestine, clean and active. Never neglect this proceedure. After the colostomy is reversed, your child should continue to have normal bowel movements and live a normal active life. My son played baseball, basket ball, football and golf (which he still plays weekly). He has had 2 0r 3 intestinal blockages which have required hospitalization. There obviously is scar tissue where the intestines were reverse. Scar tissue does not grow as the rest of your body does and the possibility of this narrowing causeing the blockages. But, it does not appear that this was ever the case. Other people with CF have had the same/similar blockage, but never had a colostomy. Everything will seem strange and new to you, but believe me, it is nothing you can not handle. My prayers are with you and your new baby. Bill


New member
Thank you Bill, Angie and Emily for responding.
I reread my original post and realized I wasn't very clear.

Andrew had a colostomy bag for 6 weeks and they repaired his intestines on 10/11/05. I was trying to ask how long before he would likely pass bowel through his rectem after this surgery.

But anyway, I spoke with his nurse this morning and she said he passed bowel last night, YEPPPPPPYYYY!!!!!!!!!


New member
congrats Jen!!
Erin waited about 5 days before she had her first bowel movement and i was never so happy about seeing poop in my life!!
now... she poops all the time (lol) and honestly, it still makes me happy when she does!! Becuase of the whole colostomy and operation, and waiting....
I'll never forget the day i got to take her home from the hospital. After 7 long weeks... video tape it or something... i did and i watched it over and over again lol