connection to those who died on 9/11


New member
i'm curious about how many of us knew someone or knew someone who knew someone who died on 9/11/01? it's amazing how so many people can be connected to those who lost their lives--such a relatively small fraction of the population of our country...

my mother's cousins were friends with one of the pilots. that is my connection.

i'd also be curious to know about those who had no connections.



New member
I don't have any connections. No friends of a friend or anything... Which is weird since i am from MA and that's where the planes came from.


Digital opinion leader
One of my teacher friends lost his son in a tower. Another teacher friend's brother was a pilot in one of the planes. Very sad.


New member
My cousin was supposed to be in one of the towers that day. He worked in california and the company was scheduled to be back there for meetings that day. He was fired a week before the 11th and the woman that took his place lost her life that day in the collapse. Crazy how it worked out. He may have had a crappy week that week after getting fired, but seeing what happened a few days later must have really changed his perspective on things.


New member
One of my cousins had just moved to NY and that day she was scheduled to go in for her interview. Close call!

I don't know anyone else personally who was invloved.


New member
My fiance is a navtive New Yorker. Born and raised on Staten Island, and he knows quite a few people, or friends of friends, and such who died in the World Trade Center.


New member
I have a Friend Here who while waiting for news on His
Brother who worked in Tower 2 WTC was at the Pentagon
He is a EMT/ Firefighter, if You saw the news showing
the 6 Firemen draping the large American Flag over the hole
in the Pentagon, You saw my Friend Jim on the Roof holding
The Flag.
Sadly Jims Brother who was a big strong Guy didn't make it.
It was later said that He did carry a number of people who
were in wheel chairs to safty and went back in to help more.
He never came out. He could have just helped Himself to safty
But thats not the kind of Person he was.


New member
I worked with a man that lost his son in one of the towers. It took a long time for them to positively identify his remains (i think it was around a year or more) and when they did they sent the local police to his home at 2am to tell him. Scared him and his wife to death thinking something had happened to one of their other children.


New member
I worked with a man that lost his son in one of the towers. It took a long time for them to positively identify his remains (i think it was around a year or more) and when they did they sent the local police to his home at 2am to tell him. Scared him and his wife to death thinking something had happened to one of their other children.


New member
I worked with a man that lost his son in one of the towers. It took a long time for them to positively identify his remains (i think it was around a year or more) and when they did they sent the local police to his home at 2am to tell him. Scared him and his wife to death thinking something had happened to one of their other children.