I have a number of letters I can forward on to anyone who would like them. Just PM me with your email address and I'll forward things your way. I have a corporate sponsor letter my dad sent from his work and the letters I use in our letter-writing campaign that I'll gladly share with anyone. I've always found that including any pictures into your letter makes a difference.... if they can put a real face to CF. Our foundation office does a great job of putting together sponsorship packets full of information about the different levels of involvement there are for businesses. Have you checked with your local chapter for ideas and resources? If not, I have electronic copies of the ones we used for this year that I can forward to you as well. As far as actually getting corporate sponsors, I've found that if you can find a connection to a business somehow, you can work it from that angle..... a neighbor works there, a cousin used to, you frequent the business often, etc. When I go to talk to the manager of a business, I always do it after actually shopping there first, so the manager (or whomever) sees I'm actually a paying customer.
As far as letter-writing/email campaigns go, my philosophy is to send it to as many people as I can possibly think of. We delve really deeply into our address book and send it to EVERYONE... even friends we haven't talked to in years and years.... old friends from growing up, old neighbors, past teachers, as well as anyone that has any kind of interactions with Ella. I figure, what's the worst that can happen? They give nothing. This year we also really focused on expanding our teams and directly asked friends and family to step up and be team leaders themselves, and ended up with 12 different teams across the country. We were really surprised by the number of people that really wanted to help in a new and different way, and were just waiting to be asked. I found that you kind of have to look at the people you know and see where their skills/help might fit best. I also sent LOTS of reminders to people both through the mail and email. I think most people really do have good intentions... they just get caught up with everyday life and forget.
Good luck... and please PM me if I can forward any of my info on. I love to share and help where I can.
~ Lindsay
Mom to Ella, 2-3/4 w/CF
Our Great Strides teams are all called "Ella's Elite"