Coughing during Tobi


New member
I always take my Tobi after everything else just like I'm supposed to, but I still cough up a lot of "gunk" while I'm taking it. In fact I cough up as much stuff with the Tobi as I do with the Hypertonic Saline. I know my docs have always said you take Tobi last because if you take it first, then you will cough all of it up during your other treatments. I guess I'm just wondering if Tobi makes everyone else couch alot too.


New member
I always take my Tobi after everything else just like I'm supposed to, but I still cough up a lot of "gunk" while I'm taking it. In fact I cough up as much stuff with the Tobi as I do with the Hypertonic Saline. I know my docs have always said you take Tobi last because if you take it first, then you will cough all of it up during your other treatments. I guess I'm just wondering if Tobi makes everyone else couch alot too.


New member
I always take my Tobi after everything else just like I'm supposed to, but I still cough up a lot of "gunk" while I'm taking it. In fact I cough up as much stuff with the Tobi as I do with the Hypertonic Saline. I know my docs have always said you take Tobi last because if you take it first, then you will cough all of it up during your other treatments. I guess I'm just wondering if Tobi makes everyone else couch alot too.


New member
It makes me cough up a bunch of stuff too... and continue to cough up stuff for the rest of the day.... I dont know why thought. Thats one of my main frustrations with it... that you dont just clear out your gunk it the morning... it keeps comming all day =/ But you are not alone =)

Hopefully they will have the Tobi in inhaler form and we can just have one puff instead of 20 min.... Cant wait!


New member
It makes me cough up a bunch of stuff too... and continue to cough up stuff for the rest of the day.... I dont know why thought. Thats one of my main frustrations with it... that you dont just clear out your gunk it the morning... it keeps comming all day =/ But you are not alone =)

Hopefully they will have the Tobi in inhaler form and we can just have one puff instead of 20 min.... Cant wait!


New member
It makes me cough up a bunch of stuff too... and continue to cough up stuff for the rest of the day.... I dont know why thought. Thats one of my main frustrations with it... that you dont just clear out your gunk it the morning... it keeps comming all day =/ But you are not alone =)

Hopefully they will have the Tobi in inhaler form and we can just have one puff instead of 20 min.... Cant wait!


New member
Boy does it ever. I had to take breaks from it because I couldn't stop coughing during my treatment. I, *knock on wood* only had to do one month treatment. but it was really tough on my lungs. I cleared my infection, (*yay*) so it was worth it, but damn if I didn't like that stuff. Made me cough my brains out. You definetly aren't alone.

Be well.



New member
Boy does it ever. I had to take breaks from it because I couldn't stop coughing during my treatment. I, *knock on wood* only had to do one month treatment. but it was really tough on my lungs. I cleared my infection, (*yay*) so it was worth it, but damn if I didn't like that stuff. Made me cough my brains out. You definetly aren't alone.

Be well.



New member
Boy does it ever. I had to take breaks from it because I couldn't stop coughing during my treatment. I, *knock on wood* only had to do one month treatment. but it was really tough on my lungs. I cleared my infection, (*yay*) so it was worth it, but damn if I didn't like that stuff. Made me cough my brains out. You definetly aren't alone.

Be well.




I've only been on Tobi for 3 months or so (every second month for the last 6 months so 3 months total) and I notice that it makes me cough alot too. But my cough is extremely dry the entire month. I don't know why. And I actually have coughing fits where I can barely catch my breath the month I'm on it, but hardly anything comes up. Then the months I'm off it, I cough barely at all, even when I'm trying to! I guess everyone's different!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF



I've only been on Tobi for 3 months or so (every second month for the last 6 months so 3 months total) and I notice that it makes me cough alot too. But my cough is extremely dry the entire month. I don't know why. And I actually have coughing fits where I can barely catch my breath the month I'm on it, but hardly anything comes up. Then the months I'm off it, I cough barely at all, even when I'm trying to! I guess everyone's different!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF



I've only been on Tobi for 3 months or so (every second month for the last 6 months so 3 months total) and I notice that it makes me cough alot too. But my cough is extremely dry the entire month. I don't know why. And I actually have coughing fits where I can barely catch my breath the month I'm on it, but hardly anything comes up. Then the months I'm off it, I cough barely at all, even when I'm trying to! I guess everyone's different!

Adrienne - 24/f/CF