Coughing up blood..YUK!


New member

Just wandering if anyone could tell me what they do in terms of medication for coughing up blood or if there are certain things i cn do to prevent this. I have cf and used to cough up blood nearly once a week. My doc put me on Transenamic acid at night and i was told to take 2 tablets up to three times a day if it got bad. Touch wood i havent coughed any up for 3wks but it is a major problem for me. I like to go out clubbing and stuff and lately have been scared incase i start coughing blood up in the middle of the dance floor! My nurse has suggested an operation that can be done to, i dont know block the vessel that keeps bursting but i think this is a last attempt option?
Does anyone know what brings it on because one night i was asleep and i woke up coughing blood up... So its not as if i am doing something active that may aggitate the blood vessel
If anyone else is in the same boat or has any suggestions i would be greatfull to know



New member
There have been several threads on this topic. Go back a few pages and check them out. As for meds there isnt alot you can take but I am on Vit. K because I have a blood clotting problem and it seems to have helped minimize my bleeding. I used to wake up choking on blood all the time. It was very scary and once at a dance It happened as well and I covered the bathroom stall with blood. It stopped on its own but I ended up going to the hospital. Very embarassing.
There is a surgery they do called emobolization which cauterizes the blood vessels that are breaking to prevent them from bleeding again but its not a cure. Others can still break and i was told its usually only done if the bleeding wont stop or you are losing alot of blood. Some people have had it done. I would check out the other threads i know there were quite a few replys. Good luck with this. I know how scary it can be.

Kris 22/CF. CFRD, liver disease
pre transplant


New member
Check out embolization a couple threads back. I am in the same boat as you but I only have the problem with the pulmozyme. If I stop taking it the bleeding stops in a couple of days! This is the first time that this has happened to me and I have been on pulmozyme for yrs. If u use pulmozyme u might want to discontinue for a week and cpt for 48hrs. I tried that and it worked but yesterday went back on the dnase and today blood. I am going on 12/21 to the clinic and they are going to discuss embolization with me.