

New member
hey everyone! my name is casey im 15/f from North Carolina. i was diagnosed w/ cf when i was 3months old and i have been in the hospital 4 times w/ a PIC Line. i do my vest twice a day for 20 mins. i just wanted to ask about coughing up blood.

do any of yall ever cough up blood? and what do you do for it? i ahve done it maybe two times before and jsut never really thought anything about it. but i was a little scared. whenever i cough it feels like something inside of my chest is tearing apart. is this normal?? well please reply back.



New member
hi im dani i live in oklahoma 12/f
i have never done that but i doubt it is normal if u want 2 talk contact me at


New member
Trust me, coughing up blood is normal for a CFer. Not every single CFer has experienced it, but it is normal. I've coughed up blood many times. Sometimes we cough up blood because we're coughing all the time and a blood vessel in our lungs break, or sometimes we're on meds that are a little harsh on our lungs. I know its scary, but so long as its not a lot - like a cup of blood or more then a couple of tablespoons, you should be fine. You should let your doctor know that you are. He/she may even know the reason behind it.


New member
i dont know if thats normal but i do it to. i have had five pic lines too. im also 15 and i hope u do ok my name is philip aka pj.


i love north carolina i was born there fort brahg


New member
hey if you would like to talk that would be nice. its so good to meet someone else about my age w/ cf.


AIM - sunkissedgal508