Counting your carbs vs calories


New member
Since my 5/05 admit & use of oral streroids for the first time, my sugars have been in question. Although they have returned to normal, my CF doctors has me following up with a Diabetes Doctor & Nutritionist as a precaution. Today I met with the Nutritionist. This is going to be difficult for me becaue the only thing I have evered worried about was the amount of calories. Now I have to keep an eye on the carbs & make up the difference in calories. My body is producing enough insulin, but my sugars drop quite a bit so she wants me to try & keep an even level by not "juicing up" on carbs & then bottoming out. My questions to those with CFRD or unofficially diagnosed you use any type of shake & is it according to instructions so you know the actual carbs you are getting? When its in black/white (printed on the container) it will be easy, but I am nervous about other things.