
New member
We had never done the CPT with Parker being head down because that's the way we were taught in the hospital plus I knew from reading that it can cause acid reflux and it was not recommended any more.
Yesterday at our clinic visit I showed the therapist how I was doing his CPT because I wanted to make sure we were doing it right. She said that the only thing she would add would be to do one of the positions with his head down since we do his CPT right before he eats and because the "older" kids use pillows with their vest so they are tilted.
We tried this last night and he started coughing almost immediately. It didn't seem like he was getting anything up, though.
Is this okay? Should I keep doing it tilted and maybe even do it a little more since he's coughing with it? Or should I be worried about the reflux? He's not a spitter upper at all, hardly ever get anything but a burp.
I'm confused.


New member
We had never done the CPT with Parker being head down because that's the way we were taught in the hospital plus I knew from reading that it can cause acid reflux and it was not recommended any more.
Yesterday at our clinic visit I showed the therapist how I was doing his CPT because I wanted to make sure we were doing it right. She said that the only thing she would add would be to do one of the positions with his head down since we do his CPT right before he eats and because the "older" kids use pillows with their vest so they are tilted.
We tried this last night and he started coughing almost immediately. It didn't seem like he was getting anything up, though.
Is this okay? Should I keep doing it tilted and maybe even do it a little more since he's coughing with it? Or should I be worried about the reflux? He's not a spitter upper at all, hardly ever get anything but a burp.
I'm confused.


New member
We had never done the CPT with Parker being head down because that's the way we were taught in the hospital plus I knew from reading that it can cause acid reflux and it was not recommended any more.
Yesterday at our clinic visit I showed the therapist how I was doing his CPT because I wanted to make sure we were doing it right. She said that the only thing she would add would be to do one of the positions with his head down since we do his CPT right before he eats and because the "older" kids use pillows with their vest so they are tilted.
We tried this last night and he started coughing almost immediately. It didn't seem like he was getting anything up, though.
Is this okay? Should I keep doing it tilted and maybe even do it a little more since he's coughing with it? Or should I be worried about the reflux? He's not a spitter upper at all, hardly ever get anything but a burp.
I'm confused.


Staff member
What you'll find is each RT has a different way of doing things. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU with DS and each and every RT did things differently.

We never really tilted and we've never heard anything about using pillows with the vest. If we haven't it in bed, yes, but that's only because he's propped up watching television. Otherwise he sits upright in a chair in the living room.
We did ask our doctor about the different positions and he said is really didn't matter. The CPT helps the cilia in the lungs to do their job by pushing the stuff up and out.

I do know that some of the older people on this site who still do CPT have indicated that it does help them at times to use some of those positions.


Staff member
What you'll find is each RT has a different way of doing things. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU with DS and each and every RT did things differently.

We never really tilted and we've never heard anything about using pillows with the vest. If we haven't it in bed, yes, but that's only because he's propped up watching television. Otherwise he sits upright in a chair in the living room.
We did ask our doctor about the different positions and he said is really didn't matter. The CPT helps the cilia in the lungs to do their job by pushing the stuff up and out.

I do know that some of the older people on this site who still do CPT have indicated that it does help them at times to use some of those positions.


Staff member
What you'll find is each RT has a different way of doing things. We spent 6 weeks in the NICU with DS and each and every RT did things differently.

We never really tilted and we've never heard anything about using pillows with the vest. If we haven't it in bed, yes, but that's only because he's propped up watching television. Otherwise he sits upright in a chair in the living room.
We did ask our doctor about the different positions and he said is really didn't matter. The CPT helps the cilia in the lungs to do their job by pushing the stuff up and out.

I do know that some of the older people on this site who still do CPT have indicated that it does help them at times to use some of those positions.


New member
We were taught when my son was a newborn to do the chest pt flat on all sides and then tilted on all sides. We have always done hand cpt that way. He is only 3 years old so it is still being taught that way at some clinics.


New member
We were taught when my son was a newborn to do the chest pt flat on all sides and then tilted on all sides. We have always done hand cpt that way. He is only 3 years old so it is still being taught that way at some clinics.


New member
We were taught when my son was a newborn to do the chest pt flat on all sides and then tilted on all sides. We have always done hand cpt that way. He is only 3 years old so it is still being taught that way at some clinics.
When Erin was a baby (10yrs ago) we had tilting recommended to us, however Erin had a pretty good bout of reflux, and never would be comfortable with it. What did help is we were given from the doc's office and hospital stays a face mask from respitory (the kind that is blown up on the out sides like a balloon) we did her percussions with that and it was SO MUCH more comfortable for her, they have the small ones they use on babies/toddlers (masks) that work perfectly. It's true what Liza mentioned about everyone having a different way. Erin just came out of a hospital stay at Umass Medical (awesome hospital and CF center) and by day 4 i was going bonkers with respitory. Each one had a different view, different way, to the point that I finally talked with Erin picked one (cleared it with her doc's) and that was that. Since Erin has been in her vest (age 5) she has always just sat up on the couch, or on the floor and even reclined back a bit when tired (she's fallen asleep countless times in it), I was told as long as the vest is on and set correctly it's doing it's job just fine. I would recommend you do what is most comfortable for Parker, what he can tolerate the longest for the best effect. Erin did not always cough with her PT therapy, if she was sick she would, but on the healthy spans it was just more maintenance than looking for her to bring up junk. Anyways, i hope this has helped, good luck and God Bless.
When Erin was a baby (10yrs ago) we had tilting recommended to us, however Erin had a pretty good bout of reflux, and never would be comfortable with it. What did help is we were given from the doc's office and hospital stays a face mask from respitory (the kind that is blown up on the out sides like a balloon) we did her percussions with that and it was SO MUCH more comfortable for her, they have the small ones they use on babies/toddlers (masks) that work perfectly. It's true what Liza mentioned about everyone having a different way. Erin just came out of a hospital stay at Umass Medical (awesome hospital and CF center) and by day 4 i was going bonkers with respitory. Each one had a different view, different way, to the point that I finally talked with Erin picked one (cleared it with her doc's) and that was that. Since Erin has been in her vest (age 5) she has always just sat up on the couch, or on the floor and even reclined back a bit when tired (she's fallen asleep countless times in it), I was told as long as the vest is on and set correctly it's doing it's job just fine. I would recommend you do what is most comfortable for Parker, what he can tolerate the longest for the best effect. Erin did not always cough with her PT therapy, if she was sick she would, but on the healthy spans it was just more maintenance than looking for her to bring up junk. Anyways, i hope this has helped, good luck and God Bless.
When Erin was a baby (10yrs ago) we had tilting recommended to us, however Erin had a pretty good bout of reflux, and never would be comfortable with it. What did help is we were given from the doc's office and hospital stays a face mask from respitory (the kind that is blown up on the out sides like a balloon) we did her percussions with that and it was SO MUCH more comfortable for her, they have the small ones they use on babies/toddlers (masks) that work perfectly. It's true what Liza mentioned about everyone having a different way. Erin just came out of a hospital stay at Umass Medical (awesome hospital and CF center) and by day 4 i was going bonkers with respitory. Each one had a different view, different way, to the point that I finally talked with Erin picked one (cleared it with her doc's) and that was that. Since Erin has been in her vest (age 5) she has always just sat up on the couch, or on the floor and even reclined back a bit when tired (she's fallen asleep countless times in it), I was told as long as the vest is on and set correctly it's doing it's job just fine. I would recommend you do what is most comfortable for Parker, what he can tolerate the longest for the best effect. Erin did not always cough with her PT therapy, if she was sick she would, but on the healthy spans it was just more maintenance than looking for her to bring up junk. Anyways, i hope this has helped, good luck and God Bless.


New member
WHen I get manual CPT in the hospital, we tilt the bed. For me it helps. I will also say that they will not tilt me or even put me over pillows if my O2 sat is too low or if my hemoptysis has been acting up. I dont have reflux problems get aggrivated by it so that doesnt apply. Its difficult when they are little because they are unable to verbalize whats going on.


New member
WHen I get manual CPT in the hospital, we tilt the bed. For me it helps. I will also say that they will not tilt me or even put me over pillows if my O2 sat is too low or if my hemoptysis has been acting up. I dont have reflux problems get aggrivated by it so that doesnt apply. Its difficult when they are little because they are unable to verbalize whats going on.


New member
WHen I get manual CPT in the hospital, we tilt the bed. For me it helps. I will also say that they will not tilt me or even put me over pillows if my O2 sat is too low or if my hemoptysis has been acting up. I dont have reflux problems get aggrivated by it so that doesnt apply. Its difficult when they are little because they are unable to verbalize whats going on.


New member
Thanks guys. I think I might just keep tiliting him a little bit each time since he seems fine with it. We do use a little instrument and not our hands (we call it a percusser?)
Melissa - his O2 stats were 99 last time we were in the clinic. Do they change day to day/hour to hour? I imagine they do, just don't know what I should look for if it went down?


New member
Thanks guys. I think I might just keep tiliting him a little bit each time since he seems fine with it. We do use a little instrument and not our hands (we call it a percusser?)
Melissa - his O2 stats were 99 last time we were in the clinic. Do they change day to day/hour to hour? I imagine they do, just don't know what I should look for if it went down?


New member
Thanks guys. I think I might just keep tiliting him a little bit each time since he seems fine with it. We do use a little instrument and not our hands (we call it a percusser?)
Melissa - his O2 stats were 99 last time we were in the clinic. Do they change day to day/hour to hour? I imagine they do, just don't know what I should look for if it went down?


New member
O2 sats will vary throughout the day just like temps, but if he is that high then I wouldnt think you have anything to worry about. Its more when your regular O2 sat is lower & then it dips more while being tilted. We used a percusser years & years ago, but I like the manual better. Hope you find what works best. I would try the tilting as long as he seems to tolerate it.


New member
O2 sats will vary throughout the day just like temps, but if he is that high then I wouldnt think you have anything to worry about. Its more when your regular O2 sat is lower & then it dips more while being tilted. We used a percusser years & years ago, but I like the manual better. Hope you find what works best. I would try the tilting as long as he seems to tolerate it.