CREON Scholarship


New member
I was filling out my application and came to the creative part about what I've learned from living with CF. I was thinking about turning in a simple photograph of me playing hockey and an explanation of what CF has taught me and how I used that to achieve my goals in hockey. But, I didn't wanna be plain jane like everyone else. Does anyone have some suggestion so I could somehow incoporate hockey and possibly a picture of myself?



New member
I don't think your successes in hockey are "plain jane" at all. I was very impressed with what you've accomplished. I think it's incredible if a non-CFer can work up to the point of playing a full period with no breaks, let alone a whole game! and having CF!!!. Pros don't even come close to that from my understanding. Hockey has got to be the most cardio sport that exists! I imagine they'd love to hear something you've accomplished from a personal standpoint as well as physical! ie a specific example of how you've learned to treat other people or something.

"If the sky's the limit, why are there footprints on the moon?"

That's a silly qestion - the moon is in the sky.


New member
Maybe you could provide a couple pictures as a metaphor for how you feel at different times with cf.

for example one picture of a scrawny you, with no gear or even shirt on to show how weak we feel with cf at times (assuming you could look like that now or in a past picture). And another with you all suited up looking tough, big and sweaty to show how we can take on cf and the world some days. Nothing can stop us.


New member
The moon is not in the sky, it is in outerspace. The moon that you see in the sky is generated by the reflection of light.