Emily recently switched to Creon. I haven't been aware of a smell, but, reading this I realized that I've never stuck my nose in the bottle. So, I did. There is a slight chemical smell, but it's not bad, and not noticeable unless you really sniff. This, of course, led me to sniff several other meds including the few pancrecarb we have left (plasticy smell) and the little bit of Viokase powder that we have left (pretty noxious almsot rotten meat smell. A. how did I never notice that, B. Yes, I know that's the one you're supposed to be very careful to not inhale and I just stuck my nose in the bottle. Oh well)
This is a very interesting activity for a Friday night, wouldn't you say?
Anyway. Our Creon definately don't have a horrible smell. There's a slight odor, but it could be just the packaging. Emily is notoriously sensitive to smells, and she has not said a THING about it.
I'll be interested to see what others have to say!