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How do I find anything positive about yesterday's appointment...
My hubby and I arrived to our appointment about 15 minutes early. I had such high hopes...
We saw the nurses and finally were taken back to the conference room to talk with the doctor. He said, "Do you know what your fertility tests show?" I responded," Not really? I mean I know that my tubes and uterus are clear and fine but that's about it."
He slowly lowered the reading glasses from his face and the pure expression of pity showed right through. At that second, I gripped the seat for which I was sitting on preparing for the worst as usual.
He proceeded, "Well, you DO have some degree of PCOS. Your left ovary is poly-cystic and had too many immature follicles. Also, you had a slightly HIGH degree of testoserone, inconsistent levels of cholesterol, failed 2-hour glucose tolerance test despite the NORMAL A1C, and other blood work ABNORMAL levels consistent with PCOS findings. When you are ovulating from the left ovary, the egg is either turning into a cyst or not making it to the tube. Your right tube, on the other hand, isn't picking up any of the eggs that are being released suggesting that scar tissue IS preventing it from even making it to the tube. It's getting 'lost'. This is a result of the burst appendix and later colon resection that you had 12 years ago! The right side is MOST LIKELY unable to ever be capable of 'normal function'. The real question is how damaged is the left ovary with scar tissue? We can't do a lap on you because if we so much as puncture the colon during testing, you would likely wake up with a bag for the rest of your life! At best your chances of success with a medicated cycle of IUI are maybe 3%. I would want to see the actual films from your tube test in August before I'd agree to anything. I know the report said that they were clear, but I want to examine them with my own eyes. If I saw ANYTHING that I didn't like, I won't even perform IUI at all because your chances would be 0%!!! I won't lie to you or take your money. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't do more than 3 cycles because the odds are NOT in your favor. You would have to have 3 full cycles of lots of meds. THE LEAST OF YOUR CONCERNS IS THE CERVICAL MUCUS! THE CF ISN'T THE MAIN COPRIT HERE. IT IS THE SURGERIES FROM 12 YEARS AGO, THE BURST APPENDIX AND COLON RESECTION DUE TO THE BURST APPENDIX. NOTHING THAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING ABOUT!!!"
"Futhermore, I WILL NOT even draw bloodwork or examine you today. There is too much to be done before we even get to that. FIRSTLY, I need to see your films from August. SECOND, you need to see an endcrinologist about your glucose test and bloodwork. They need to put you on Metaforin, Glucophage, to help with your sugar levels. That will also prevent your post breakfast blood sugar drops. Sometimes you even drop to 60 which could cause birth defects to an unborn infant. PCOS and type 2 diabetes go hand-in-hand, and Glucophage helps both of the problems. It is the ONLY pill that helps both situations. You need a couple months of monitoring to make sure that things balance out."
THIRD, I would want to speak with the other 2 doctors here about you. You are VERY COMPLEX. I have done IUI and IVF on other CF patients, but your case is surely 'different'. CF isn't the problem at all, and I don't want to do anything without having the backing with the other 2 doctors."
" I am so sorry to tell you all this!!!"
At that point, the tears streamed down my face. There was next to nothing I could do. None of this is/was my fault. How would you feel? I feel great and never would have expected any of these problems...These surgeries happened 12 years ago!!! If only my burst appendix was caught before it burst and damaged my colon causing scar tissue...If only I never had a burst appendix...If only...
How do you accept this? Tears are filling my eyes right now as I'm typing this. How? Why? What did I do to deserve this???
IVF is an option with GOOD SUCCESS, but I don't have $12,000...Even still, should I? My scar tissue wouldn't be a problem, but I still have the whole sugar issue and require Clomid + Glucophage.
I didn't EVER see this coming. My FEV1 is 70%. I'm doing so well...Why??? What did I do??? Two years of trying for what???
Please give me your support! I really, really need it. I'm ending now because my tears are messing up my typing!!!
How do I find anything positive about yesterday's appointment...
My hubby and I arrived to our appointment about 15 minutes early. I had such high hopes...
We saw the nurses and finally were taken back to the conference room to talk with the doctor. He said, "Do you know what your fertility tests show?" I responded," Not really? I mean I know that my tubes and uterus are clear and fine but that's about it."
He slowly lowered the reading glasses from his face and the pure expression of pity showed right through. At that second, I gripped the seat for which I was sitting on preparing for the worst as usual.
He proceeded, "Well, you DO have some degree of PCOS. Your left ovary is poly-cystic and had too many immature follicles. Also, you had a slightly HIGH degree of testoserone, inconsistent levels of cholesterol, failed 2-hour glucose tolerance test despite the NORMAL A1C, and other blood work ABNORMAL levels consistent with PCOS findings. When you are ovulating from the left ovary, the egg is either turning into a cyst or not making it to the tube. Your right tube, on the other hand, isn't picking up any of the eggs that are being released suggesting that scar tissue IS preventing it from even making it to the tube. It's getting 'lost'. This is a result of the burst appendix and later colon resection that you had 12 years ago! The right side is MOST LIKELY unable to ever be capable of 'normal function'. The real question is how damaged is the left ovary with scar tissue? We can't do a lap on you because if we so much as puncture the colon during testing, you would likely wake up with a bag for the rest of your life! At best your chances of success with a medicated cycle of IUI are maybe 3%. I would want to see the actual films from your tube test in August before I'd agree to anything. I know the report said that they were clear, but I want to examine them with my own eyes. If I saw ANYTHING that I didn't like, I won't even perform IUI at all because your chances would be 0%!!! I won't lie to you or take your money. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't do more than 3 cycles because the odds are NOT in your favor. You would have to have 3 full cycles of lots of meds. THE LEAST OF YOUR CONCERNS IS THE CERVICAL MUCUS! THE CF ISN'T THE MAIN COPRIT HERE. IT IS THE SURGERIES FROM 12 YEARS AGO, THE BURST APPENDIX AND COLON RESECTION DUE TO THE BURST APPENDIX. NOTHING THAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE ANYTHING ABOUT!!!"
"Futhermore, I WILL NOT even draw bloodwork or examine you today. There is too much to be done before we even get to that. FIRSTLY, I need to see your films from August. SECOND, you need to see an endcrinologist about your glucose test and bloodwork. They need to put you on Metaforin, Glucophage, to help with your sugar levels. That will also prevent your post breakfast blood sugar drops. Sometimes you even drop to 60 which could cause birth defects to an unborn infant. PCOS and type 2 diabetes go hand-in-hand, and Glucophage helps both of the problems. It is the ONLY pill that helps both situations. You need a couple months of monitoring to make sure that things balance out."
THIRD, I would want to speak with the other 2 doctors here about you. You are VERY COMPLEX. I have done IUI and IVF on other CF patients, but your case is surely 'different'. CF isn't the problem at all, and I don't want to do anything without having the backing with the other 2 doctors."
" I am so sorry to tell you all this!!!"
At that point, the tears streamed down my face. There was next to nothing I could do. None of this is/was my fault. How would you feel? I feel great and never would have expected any of these problems...These surgeries happened 12 years ago!!! If only my burst appendix was caught before it burst and damaged my colon causing scar tissue...If only I never had a burst appendix...If only...
How do you accept this? Tears are filling my eyes right now as I'm typing this. How? Why? What did I do to deserve this???
IVF is an option with GOOD SUCCESS, but I don't have $12,000...Even still, should I? My scar tissue wouldn't be a problem, but I still have the whole sugar issue and require Clomid + Glucophage.
I didn't EVER see this coming. My FEV1 is 70%. I'm doing so well...Why??? What did I do??? Two years of trying for what???
Please give me your support! I really, really need it. I'm ending now because my tears are messing up my typing!!!