Cycle for Life!



Hi, My name is Darcie, I will be participating in the Cycle for Life event in Philadelphia on October 14, 2012. I am a college graduate, avid cyclist, and an individual with chronic health concerns.

This event will be the first group ride for a cause that I am excited to be freely taking part in thanks to the generosity of my team captain whom I met through PA Adaptive Sports. He has offered to ride tandem with me, off setting the concerns of my respiratory (RT Lung Hypoplasia), neurological (Hydrocephalus), and vision impairments (Toxoplasmosis).

If you are interested and able to donate or know someone who might be please spread the word!

While I do not have CF I do have respiratory challenges due to the fact that I was born missing a long and now live at about 80% "normal" lung capacity (when I was younger it was much worse). I have been able to build up a lot of stamina comparatively but it is still much lower than the average person... etc.

I have also have personal connections to CF ranging from a family friend whose daughter passed away from complications. We met through my moms work as we were both recovering from surgery and out of school at the time. I went to school with a boy with CF, A teacher from my HS had a son with CF who would come to work with her when he was sick, a roommate I had in the PICU once had CF, and I used to dramaturg for all the medically oriented shows at my theatre company and we did John Lennon and Me - a show that centers around one patients CF experience.

Please help me share a message hope and health for those living with Cystic Fibrosis by supporting my adaptive cycling in my first ever bike ride for a cause. And if you happen to be in the Philadelphia area and interested in joining a team, or if you'll be there and want to say hi let me know!

Thanks for reading!