Cystic Fibrosis and Arthritis


New member
My daughter is in the diagnostic process for Cystic Fibrosis and she has been complaining about knee pain for a number of months.  I have read a few posts about arthritis and its relationship to Cystic Fibrosis.  My daughter is scheduled for x-rays on Tuesday and has an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor.  Her knees are painful and they also buckle and she has been falling.  Prior to this round of knee pain my daughter was a level 8 junior olympic gymnast.  Overall she was strong and coordinated until this past winter where her lung disease had gotten much worse and led us toward the Cystic Fibrosis diagnosis.  Should I ask for a consult with a Reumatologist?  Are there any Ruematologists in the Philadelphia area that are familiar with the Cystic Fibrosis and Arthritis relationship?  Any information on the relationship between Cystic Fibrosis and arthritis would be appreciated. 


New member
My daughter is in the diagnostic process for Cystic Fibrosis and she has been complaining about knee pain for a number of months. I have read a few posts about arthritis and its relationship to Cystic Fibrosis. My daughter is scheduled for x-rays on Tuesday and has an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor. Her knees are painful and they also buckle and she has been falling. Prior to this round of knee pain my daughter was a level8 junior olympic gymnast. Overall she was strong and coordinated until this past winter where her lung disease had gotten much worse and led us toward the Cystic Fibrosis diagnosis. Should I ask for a consultwith a Reumatologist? Are there any Ruematologists in the Philadelphia area that are familiar with the Cystic Fibrosis and Arthritis relationship? Any information on the relationship between Cystic Fibrosis and arthritis would be appreciated.


New member
<p>My daughter is in the diagnostic process for Cystic Fibrosis and she has been complaining about knee pain for a number of months. I have read a few posts about arthritis and its relationship to Cystic Fibrosis. My daughter is scheduled for x-rays on Tuesday and has an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor. Her knees are painful and they also buckle and she has been falling. Prior to this round of knee pain my daughter was a level8 junior olympic gymnast. Overall she was strong and coordinated until this past winter where her lung disease had gotten much worse and led us toward the Cystic Fibrosis diagnosis. Should I ask for a consultwith a Reumatologist? Are there any Ruematologists in the Philadelphia area that are familiar with the Cystic Fibrosis and Arthritis relationship? Any information on the relationship between Cystic Fibrosis and arthritis would be appreciated.


New member
There is a CF related arthritis diagnosis. I began experiencing severe joint pain in 2001, and I consulted a rheumatologist. At that time, my CF doctor had never heard of such a thing. Unfortunately all of my blood work was all over the place so the doctor couldn't actually diagnose me with anything. He gave me Prednisone to try, and it took me several years to ween off of it. It was the only thing that ever took my joint pains away.

I would ask your daughter's CF doctor about it. She/he may be able to refer you to a rheumatologist that they recommend. It will be very beneficial for you to see a rheumatologist that is familiar with CF and has possibly treated CF patients before so definitely ask your CF doc! You may also want to ask your doc about doing a dexascan on her bones. It may be an issue that is involving more than just the joints. Good luck!


New member
There is a CF related arthritis diagnosis. I began experiencing severe joint pain in 2001, and I consulted a rheumatologist. At that time, my CF doctor had never heard of such a thing. Unfortunately all of my blood work was all over the place so the doctor couldn't actually diagnose me with anything. He gave me Prednisone to try, and it took me several years to ween off of it. It was the only thing that ever took my joint pains away.

I would ask your daughter's CF doctor about it. She/he may be able to refer you to a rheumatologist that they recommend. It will be very beneficial for you to see a rheumatologist that is familiar with CF and has possibly treated CF patients before so definitely ask your CF doc! You may also want to ask your doc about doing a dexascan on her bones. It may be an issue that is involving more than just the joints. Good luck!


New member
There is a CF related arthritis diagnosis. I began experiencing severe joint pain in 2001, and I consulted a rheumatologist. At that time, my CF doctor had never heard of such a thing. Unfortunately all of my blood work was all over the place so the doctor couldn't actually diagnose me with anything. He gave me Prednisone to try, and it took me several years to ween off of it. It was the only thing that ever took my joint pains away.
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<br />I would ask your daughter's CF doctor about it. She/he may be able to refer you to a rheumatologist that they recommend. It will be very beneficial for you to see a rheumatologist that is familiar with CF and has possibly treated CF patients before so definitely ask your CF doc! You may also want to ask your doc about doing a dexascan on her bones. It may be an issue that is involving more than just the joints. Good luck!


New member
Thank you for posting about your experience. I will call the CF nurse for advice about a Reumatologist.


New member
Thank you for posting about your experience. I will call the CF nurse for advice about a Reumatologist.


New member
Thank you for posting about your experience. I will call the CF nurse for advice about a Reumatologist.


New member
I don't think that this is the case for everybody, but I grew out of the worst of my arthritic symptoms before I turned 20. I still hobble around sometimes when it flairs up in my hips, but my joints don't swell up and "freeze" anymore. With any luck, your daughter's condition will improve over the years, too.

The rheumatologist will probably run some tests to rule out other conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases). CF arthritis seems to be diagnosed by exclusion.


New member
I don't think that this is the case for everybody, but I grew out of the worst of my arthritic symptoms before I turned 20. I still hobble around sometimes when it flairs up in my hips, but my joints don't swell up and "freeze" anymore. With any luck, your daughter's condition will improve over the years, too.

The rheumatologist will probably run some tests to rule out other conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases). CF arthritis seems to be diagnosed by exclusion.


New member
I don't think that this is the case for everybody, but I grew out of the worst of my arthritic symptoms before I turned 20. I still hobble around sometimes when it flairs up in my hips, but my joints don't swell up and "freeze" anymore. With any luck, your daughter's condition will improve over the years, too.
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<br />The rheumatologist will probably run some tests to rule out other conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases). CF arthritis seems to be diagnosed by exclusion.


New member
When I went to Hopkins for a CF workup they wanted records from my rheumatologist. My son has CF and at Hopkins all CF kids take vitamin D3 (2000 iu) for joint and one health.

I found this online:
Episodes of joint pain are well recognised in cystic fibrosis (CF), usually starting after ten years of age, and occurring in about five to ten percent of patients (Lawrence et al, 1993).

The commonest form of joint pain in CF is an arthritis that mostly affects the large joints, for example the knee, ankle, wrist, elbow and shoulder. This is sometimes referred to as CF associated arthritis. Episodes usually last less than a week but can be quite disabling. Acute onset at a young age is often sudden with widespread joint pains and general 'flu-like' symptoms. Patients often cannot walk because of leg pains and just want to stay in bed. Sometimes the attacks are associated with high swinging fevers and skin rashes.


New member
When I went to Hopkins for a CF workup they wanted records from my rheumatologist. My son has CF and at Hopkins all CF kids take vitamin D3 (2000 iu) for joint and one health.

I found this online:
Episodes of joint pain are well recognised in cystic fibrosis (CF), usually starting after ten years of age, and occurring in about five to ten percent of patients (Lawrence et al, 1993).

The commonest form of joint pain in CF is an arthritis that mostly affects the large joints, for example the knee, ankle, wrist, elbow and shoulder. This is sometimes referred to as CF associated arthritis. Episodes usually last less than a week but can be quite disabling. Acute onset at a young age is often sudden with widespread joint pains and general 'flu-like' symptoms. Patients often cannot walk because of leg pains and just want to stay in bed. Sometimes the attacks are associated with high swinging fevers and skin rashes.


New member
When I went to Hopkins for a CF workup they wanted records from my rheumatologist. My son has CF and at Hopkins all CF kids take vitamin D3 (2000 iu) for joint and one health.
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<br />I found this online:
<br />Episodes of joint pain are well recognised in cystic fibrosis (CF), usually starting after ten years of age, and occurring in about five to ten percent of patients (Lawrence et al, 1993).
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<br />The commonest form of joint pain in CF is an arthritis that mostly affects the large joints, for example the knee, ankle, wrist, elbow and shoulder. This is sometimes referred to as CF associated arthritis. Episodes usually last less than a week but can be quite disabling. Acute onset at a young age is often sudden with widespread joint pains and general 'flu-like' symptoms. Patients often cannot walk because of leg pains and just want to stay in bed. Sometimes the attacks are associated with high swinging fevers and skin rashes.
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New member
Thank for the the responses. We have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor tomorrow to rule out injury since my daughter is (atleast was) a competitive gymnast. I went ahead and made an appointment with a Reumatologist to try to decrease the wait time.


New member
Thank for the the responses. We have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor tomorrow to rule out injury since my daughter is (atleast was) a competitive gymnast. I went ahead and made an appointment with a Reumatologist to try to decrease the wait time.


New member
Thank for the the responses. We have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor tomorrow to rule out injury since my daughter is (atleast was) a competitive gymnast. I went ahead and made an appointment with a Reumatologist to try to decrease the wait time.