Dad has sores on ears from oxygen . . any suggestions?


New member
Good Morning All,<br>
My Dad started Hospice last week.  Which is helping my mother
manage a bit more but something new has popped up and no one seems
to know what to do.  My Dad is having Hospice help him with
bathing and dressing 3 times a week.  He has been having panic
attacks when he's in the tub.  He is terrified when water goes
anywhere near his face.  So I'm afraid, its a quick an not
always thorough job.  My mom noticed two days ago that where
the oxygen tub hooks over his ears, his skin is infected.  His
ears actually look like they are pulling away from his head!!
 It's all green puss and obviously every infected.  Have
any of you had this issue before?  What do you do to make sure
that the oxygen tube is as clean as possible?  I know you
can't use any harsh cleaners.   It's just killing me.
 He said, this was the least of his issues, but it's causing
him not to wear his oxygen, which causes him to be extremely
disoriented.  Any thoughts would be of great help to us.
 It's amazing as we go down this road that there are things
you never even think of as being a problem and then wham. . . it's
a problem.<br>
Dad Dwight CF age 53


New member
Amy, here at the hospital, we use cotton on the ears, than put O2 tubes on top of them. You should use neosporan and keep ears clean. Hope this helps. I'm sorry for what you are going thru.


New member
some people swear by the head cannulas see <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> for example
some use foam padded cannula see <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
and some make there own foam padded cannula using foam you can buy to pad tubing
and some swear by a cannula clip that clips the cannula to nightware (like mittens to jacket sleeves) so there is no pulling on the ears see <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>
and sometimes running the cannula down the back rather than under the chin gets rid of the tension


New member
I feel for him and for you. Calendula is soothing and helpful.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
You can buy this at any whole foods market or probably the vitamin shoppe.


Calendula Calendula, more commonly know as Marigold, is one of the most common herbs and can be found growing in people's homes throughout North America and Europe. The colorful petals of the calendula have been used in herbal preparations for hundreds of years. In the past, calendula flowers have been used on injuries to reduce inflammation and as an antiseptic against infection. It has also been used as a remedy for a variety of skin problems ranging from skin ulcerations to eczema. Taken orally calendula has been used to sooth stomach ulcers and inflammation. It has been reported to be effective in fighting fever, boils, abscesses, and recurrent vomiting. As a tea, it has been used for relieving conjunctivitis. The salve or dilute tincture of calendula has and continues to be used in connection with bruises, sprains, pulled muscles, sores, and more.

Medical indications of calendula

Calendula has been used to treat a variety of skin disorders, ranging from skin ulcerations to eczema. It has also been used to sooth stomach ulcers and inflammation. Today Calendula is still used by many for the medicinal and health related effects it offers. Flavonoids, found in high amounts in calendula, are thought to account for much of its anti-inflammatory activity as well as medicinal effects. Triterpene and caretonoids are two other constituents of calendula that may play an important role in the herbs medicinal applications.

More recently scientists have investigated calendula for possible anticancer and antiviral actions this herb may possess. However, there is not enough evidence at this time to recommend calendula for any type of treatment related to these conditions.

The following are list of calendula's reported medicinal applications:

* Wound healing
* Anti-inflammatory
* Burns (minor, including sunburn)
* Conjunctivitis
* Eczema
* Gastritis
* Injuries (minor)
* Peptic ulcer
* Ulcerative colitis
* Sore Throat

The oil extracted from the calendula herb serves many purposes. Externally applied to the ear, it has been reported to alleviate pain and discomfort from an earache. Taken internally, it may aid in eliminating fever, soothing a festering ulcer, and relieving discomfort of menstrual cramps. Calendula provides one of its greatest benefits in relieving eruptive skin disorders such as shingles, a viral infection. Calendula is considered by many to be an effective detoxifying herb that can help with the toxicity associated many severe fevers and infections. Calendula is also widely recognized as a cleanser for the liver, gallbladder, and other organs.


New member
I am referring to Calendula oitment or gel. I think the oitment would be best for him.
<img src="">


New member
As far as protecting the ears, there is a actuall ear protector that your hospice company should be able to get for you. We use them at the nursing home and the residents love them.