Dating Experience


New member
Do you guys feel that CF has affected how quickly you mature sexually?

I only had my first kiss when I was 16 years old.


New member
Depends on how you mature mentally and with puberty. Dont feel like your first kiss at 16 is bad. I didnt have my first kiss till i was 18. Dont rush it. If you rush sexual maturity you might very well regret it. Of course this also depends on your definition of sexual maturity.


New member
Hey. I've got a gastrostomy. It definitly has affected how girls react to me once my shirt off. Not nice. If I suspect something might happen with someone, I stick a plaster over it. It seems to make things much less awkward.


New member
I dont think CF has affected me at all with my dating or relationships, i had my first kiss at 15 and now im 16 and i have had plenty of girls and done plenty with them and its been fun, some of them never knew i had CF and some of them definately knew and it really hasnt made a difference, the girls have liked me for me and thats been that.

if u want to talk more email me at or message me at yahoo messanger, its hard to post about some of the details and stuff in a public place.


New member
i COMPLETELY understand i am 14 and NOTHING i haven't had a b.f. or let alone a kiss if you want to talk i am - elisabeth


New member
i had my first kiss at 13 but it was the wrong guy to give my first kiss to. we only went out for 11 days. he was a jerk.

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
I didn't get my first kiss till I was 16 either, and even then it was a quick peck on the lips, nothing exciting! I don't think CF affected how I matured "sexually" but it made me a really late bloomer, which made it hard to attract guys, being I looked like them when they were about, 10yrs old. I'm just now filling out a little bit, at least I have a nice face or I'd have nothin! lol!


New member
I didn't have my first kiss until I was 18 either. For me, it had more to do with self esteem (a lot of which was related to feeling I was different from having CF) than anything else.