Dating someone with cf


New member
Hi I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and while I knew he had cf when we started dating (I have known him my whole life) its very difficult to now be experiencing everything with him first hand. We are very young (both 19) but for our age we have a very strong and serious relationship. I would love to talk to someone who is going through the same things I ambecause I have alot of questions. Also I would like to hear views on dating from those with cf.


New member
Hi I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and while I knew he had cf when we started dating (I have known him my whole life) its very difficult to now be experiencing everything with him first hand. We are very young (both 19) but for our age we have a very strong and serious relationship. I would love to talk to someone who is going through the same things I ambecause I have alot of questions. Also I would like to hear views on dating from those with cf.


New member
well I have CF and I've never had a girlfriend I'm 14 and I just fooled around once with a girl one evening when we snuck off from our friends but anyway I'd be happy to talk to you about whatever and hear what it's like to be in a relationship with a pwcf


New member
well I have CF and I've never had a girlfriend I'm 14 and I just fooled around once with a girl one evening when we snuck off from our friends but anyway I'd be happy to talk to you about whatever and hear what it's like to be in a relationship with a pwcf


Hello, :)
I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year now, and we have a practically normal life. I have CF myself, and my boyfriend's known this from the very first day I met him, and as you've said yourself, we're both young but serious and strong ourselves. But as the poster above me said, I would like too hear from someone dating a CF-er, and seeing how they feel about their boyfriend/girlfriends disability.
If you need too talk, personal message me, or reply back too this. I'd be so happy too talk with you. :)


Hello, :)
I've been dating my boyfriend for over a year now, and we have a practically normal life. I have CF myself, and my boyfriend's known this from the very first day I met him, and as you've said yourself, we're both young but serious and strong ourselves. But as the poster above me said, I would like too hear from someone dating a CF-er, and seeing how they feel about their boyfriend/girlfriends disability.
If you need too talk, personal message me, or reply back too this. I'd be so happy too talk with you. :)


New member
ive never dated a girl with cf bc im the only on in my school district well other than my lil bro tht has cf ive always wanted to date someone with cf so we could help each other


New member
I had a friend on here named Lexi, from Ohio. She also had CF and for a time I wished I could be dating her. Instead I had to listen to some of her stories about one time having a boyfriend who wanted her to live the Amish lifestyle, which is not compatible with CF, and getting very sick and ending up in the hospital for months at a time. I am not sure if she is even still alive seeing as I have not heard from her in over two years and she no longer posts on here.


New member
Hiya Bailey. I've been with my husband since 1988, married in 1996. We started dating when he was 15 and I was 17. I have CF, he does not. Feel free to ask about whats on your mind. If its very personal, just PM me. : )


New member
Hey Bailey,
I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 years now. We started dating when we were 16. I knew he CF from the very beginning and it never bothered me. We live a normal life. We have an apt, all the amenities that one could ask for, and our puppy. If you really feel for this guy, all the things that needs to be done becomes part of your life. It would become routine like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. As long as the guy is not scared to involve you in what has to be done to keep him healthy then it is not bad. My only advice is don't pressure him into doing anything he doesn't want to do. I advise my boyfriend to do his treatments but if he is not feeling it for that day, then he doesn't have to do them. If you do want to talk more feel free. I am a proud girlfriend of a survivor and a fighter.


New member
hi im 20 with CF and been with my man for 2 years now i told him from the start we just got married 4 months ago actually feel free to ask questions if you need to :)