My daughter only likes fruits. I try to put veggies in with some fruit baby food but she screams. Or she will gag and throw up. She has a long history with not able to eat by mouth and then only tiny bits of pregestimil. She don't take a bottle, cup, or anything by mouth to help with other choices. She is almost 10 months and eats from her g-tube 16 hrs a day. Do u think those feeds are good enough nutrition? I am really working on trying to free us from the g-tube more so i want her to eat more food during the day. She eats 2-3 jars of fruit a day. I add scandi, CIB, and butter to her food to add calories. She needs 1000 - 1100 cal's a day. She eats bread and butter like crazy too. Any idea's with a picky baby/toddler?