Dealing with CF as long as helping your friends understand

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Three friends and I were going to start a little Teen Center Hang-out around where we live, and one of my friends made the comment that we needed to ask people for donations. My first thougt was "who's going to donate to something that we already have??" So I suggested, "What if we donated about half the money we raise to a certain charity?" It was awesome and we came up with alot of charities to donate to, however, I wanted to donate to the CFF (cystic fibrosis foundation), Then I got the heartbreak of my life.... my best friend asked me "What in the world is that?" I felt like just breaking down! See in January I spent a week and a half in the hospital for a check up and update. And all my reports I do and stuff are on CF. It bothers me because they said that St.Judes would be better to donate to because thats what you hear most about. Well thats all for now. Please help me. i dont know how to react to this. Please help me!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Three friends and I were going to start a little Teen Center Hang-out around where we live, and one of my friends made the comment that we needed to ask people for donations. My first thougt was "who's going to donate to something that we already have??" So I suggested, "What if we donated about half the money we raise to a certain charity?" It was awesome and we came up with alot of charities to donate to, however, I wanted to donate to the CFF (cystic fibrosis foundation), Then I got the heartbreak of my life.... my best friend asked me "What in the world is that?" I felt like just breaking down! See in January I spent a week and a half in the hospital for a check up and update. And all my reports I do and stuff are on CF. It bothers me because they said that St.Judes would be better to donate to because thats what you hear most about. Well thats all for now. Please help me. i dont know how to react to this. Please help me!


New member
Hey my name is Ashley! If i were you, i would explain to her why it is important for you to have it go towards CFF and if she was a good friend, than she would understand and be willing to help you out and give to a charity that will hopefully someday find a cure and help amke people aware of CF! If she doesnt understand than unfortunately, she isnt a good friend! I hope she knows that you have CF and is aware of that, becuase if she doesnt than maybe she thinks that you wanna give it to a charity that she knows nothing about it! You should just go to her and talk to her about it and she what she says after yuo explain your reasoning for choosing that specific charity! Well i have to go but i hope what i had to say will help you! Feell free to email me or AIM me! My AIM is Prncss44a and my email is



New member
Hey my name is Ashley! If i were you, i would explain to her why it is important for you to have it go towards CFF and if she was a good friend, than she would understand and be willing to help you out and give to a charity that will hopefully someday find a cure and help amke people aware of CF! If she doesnt understand than unfortunately, she isnt a good friend! I hope she knows that you have CF and is aware of that, becuase if she doesnt than maybe she thinks that you wanna give it to a charity that she knows nothing about it! You should just go to her and talk to her about it and she what she says after yuo explain your reasoning for choosing that specific charity! Well i have to go but i hope what i had to say will help you! Feell free to email me or AIM me! My AIM is Prncss44a and my email is
