Desperate for answers!


New member
I have a question

I have a 6 month girl who's been on breathing treatments since the 2nd day of November, 2005. She has chronic coughing and wheezing, we've had numerous amounts of tests done on her to check for allergies, rsv etc etc. She does have reflux which I hope and pray is the cause for the coughing and wheezing. Her ped. is sending her to a specialist at LeBonheur in Memphis next month for he is to the point where he just doesn't know what else to do. She's 6 months old and was 3 weeks early when she was born weighing in at 5lbs 12 oz, but her current weight is 18 lbs.

She was tested for CF when she born and the tests came back normal. But she will be re-tested next month when we go to the specialist. She eats and sleeps great. She's developing mentally and physically just like she should be and she is such a happy baby.

My question is...........if someone may know or just offer advice. What are the chances that she has CF, although she has already been tested, with normal results and is a perfect baby otherwise??

I'm new and I'm terrified for her.

~*Arlee 7-14-05*~


New member
Do you have a history of CF in the family? Also, do you know what kind of tests were done on your daughter originally? I think that they test for a general defect in the CF gene, but there are many places where that gene can be defective.