I was a late diagnosis too...a little over a year ago at 33. Actually, my primary doc suggested it after I started culturing bugs that aren't in "normal" folks- cepacia. Prior to that infamous culture almost 2 years ago, I had cultured PA and was in the hospital alot for my ashtma and pneumonia. I think what took them so long was the fact that I have other co existing diseases that affected my lungs, such a myopathy that affected my diaphragm, restricted my ability to breathe, I live on a vent so alot of docs blamed the other bugs on the vent, but the cepacia was a huge clue. The myopathy also affected my ability to walk. What was also a red flag was the fact that I dropped weight so fast...I was quite heavy at one time, well over a 100 lbs overweight and then the weight fell off, I am actually at a normal weight now for my height, take enzymes (thank GOD!) and can eat anything I want. Before enzymes, eating anything fatty was excruciating and caused my stools to stink more and float as well as have profuse diarrhea. Tests showed pancreatic insufficiency...another piece of the puzzle. Now I can enjoy fried chicken and my favorite, Ben and Jerry's ice cream!LOL! I was finally sweat tested at my doc's insistance- I was borderline twice, 49 and 50 with chloride being higher than the sodium, another red flag. Finally was diagnosed after all of my tests. I now have diabetes to boot and culture cepacia, PA, steno, staph...all of my friends! I am definitely atypical by any definition, the docs call me medicallly complex...heehee (been called everything from being a nightmare, mystery, a medical conundrum, an "elusive butterfly"...but things have finally gotten to a point where docs can put a finger on things) hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">